Fillmore County Administrator Bobbie Hillery reported at the county board’s February 8 meeting that five firms had submitted proposals for the jail. A committee consisting of board chairman Mitch Lentz, vice-chair Larry Hindt, Hillery, Sheriff John DeGeorge, and Jail Administrator Jamie Fenske chose three firms from the five submissions to be interviewed. County Attorney Brett Corson had reviewed all of the proposals to verify that all requirements were met.
Klein McCarthy Architects, World Architects and Engineers, and BKV Group will be interviewed on February 17. Approval was given to hire Tom Weber, a justice system consultant, for his advice and expertise during the interview process.
It was decided to add Attorney Corson and County Engineer Ron Gregg to the interview committee.
Employee recognition
The county recognized employees for their years of service: five, 10, 15, 20, 25, and 30 years of service. Deb Ristau, eligibility worker, and Sheila Buenger, accounting tech lead, were recognized for 30 years of service. Jamie Fenske, jail administrator, and Phillip Whitacre, captain, were recognized for 25 years of service. Eugene Johnson, jailer, Vicky Topness, office support specialist senior, and Heath Wenthold, maintenance specialist/highway, were recognized for 20 years of service.
There was a long list of Wellness Awards: first place gold went to Jessica Holst, registered dietician, second place silver went to Lindsi Engle, human resources, and third place bronze went to Kristi Ruesink, accounting technician in Zoning/Feedlot.
Chris Larson, custodian, was honored with the Safety Award.
2022 assessment changes
County Assessor Jason McCaslin began his presentation stating, “Normally I would address the board in March, when valuations and classifications are sent out to property owners. Because of the significant degree of sale price increases for properties during this last year, a proactive approach may be helpful to get the word out before taxpayers open their valuation notices this spring.”
Market activity changes can result in a property’s value to change even when no changes have been made to the property.
The Department of Revenue calculates the percent of inflation or deflation; this must be incorporated in the valuation of properties within a jurisdiction.
The compliant Median Ratio for sales is from 90% to 105%. With the increase in sale prices this last year, the majority of jurisdictions have ratios in the 70% range. Because of much higher sales, a market adjustment will be necessary to bring the median ratio into a compliant level, over 90%. The Minnesota Department of Revenue requires valuations to be maintained in a compliant level. Increases in building values ranged from 15% to 70%.
When there are not six or more sales, a five-year sample study is used. In this study, increases ranged from 15% to 50%.
It must be stated that when property values go up or down, the same amount of revenue will be generated. The tax burden is just redistributed.
The “time adjustment” this year is in the upper teens for many jurisdictions. The sales study period runs from October 1, 2020, to September 30, 2021. Adjustments for inflation or deflation are made as if the date of assessment is January 2, 2022. The intention is to treat all sales as if they happened on January 2. According to the Department of Revenue, “The purpose of the market condition adjustments is to determine what the sale price would have been if it occurred on the assessment date.” This adjustment allows sales throughout the year to be valued the same independent of the time of year when there is a rising market. “When all sale prices are adjusted to the same point in time, the Median Ratio better reflects the overall assessment level of that jurisdiction.”
There are three types of agricultural properties. A 10% increase has been applied to tillable land. The value of woods/pasture has increased from $2,500 per acre to $3,800 per acre. Seasonal recreation uses and logging have influenced woodland valuation increases.
McCaslin explained his job is to respond to how land is selling; it is not his job to predict sales.
There were no industrial sales in the five-year sample. However, mini storage is classified as industrial; some mini storage property has sold. He said he is working on addressing this. Commercial/industrial properties have an overall ratio above compliance. This property type will require a decrease in valuation to get into compliance.
When valuations come out in the spring, a property owner who questions his/her valuation should call the county assessor’s office to have the valuation reviewed and explained. There are further steps one can take if unsatisfied including the local board of appeal and equalization, if applicable. The next step is the county board of appeal and equalization which will be held on June 14.
Other business in brief
•Sheriff DeGeorge explained the need for an additional full-time jailer position. There currently are five full-time jail staff and seven part-time staff. Jail Administrator Jamie Fenske said it is difficult to get part-time people. Part-time people have to be trained and many have full-time jobs, so they are not always available to fill in for someone who is sick. The additional person will give them the ability to fill in the schedule where needed. The additional full-time position was approved.
•Resolutions were approved to enter into grant agreements for Bridge Bonding Funds for the replacement of two bridges, one on CSAH 30 (almost two miles east of Highway 139) and one on CSAH 26 in Beaver Township (a mile west of Highway 63). Both bridges are box culverts.
•A prosecutor agreement with the City of Fountain was approved. Attorney services will be provided at $120 per hour and paralegal services will be provided at $85 per hour. The county also has prosecutor agreements with the cities of Mabel, Harmony, and Canton.
•An access permit to CR 14 for a new field drive for Cleo Mensink, Section 29 of Carimona Township was approved. The new access will have better site distance and will replace an older driveway.
An access permit to CR 14 for a new field drive for Mensink Family LLC, Section 14 of Carimona Township was approved. The new access will have better site distance.
•The retirement of Neil Woellert, highway department, was approved with thanks for 22 years of service, effective March 31.
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