Sheriff John DeGeorge explained why there is a need for the I-BAND Interior Public Safety Band Enhancement System at the board’s February 25 meeting.
Due to the fact that there are not many radio towers in Fillmore County for the ARMER (Allied Radio Matrix for Emergency Radio) System this amplification system will be necessary in the new jail building. Three bids were submitted; the low bid in the amount of $52,126 from Berk-Tel Communications, Inc. was accepted. The price is for the entire system, including battery backup. The Band Enhancement System (BDA) amplifier for ARMER radio service will allow communication with dispatch in the new building. The system will be paid for using E911 grant funds.
Other Business in Brief
- Resource Recovery Center solid waste fee revisions were approved at the February 11 meeting. These adjusted rates were vetted through the Solid Waste Committee and are listed in the revised 2025 fee schedule. The 2025 revised fee schedule was approved as submitted.
- Director of nursing Jessica Erickson presented a quote from American Security Cabinets in the amount of $10,517 for six Drug Drop Boxes. She noted deputy Jesse Grabau did the work to determine the location for the drop boxes to get them in areas all around the county. The boxes will be located in Mabel, Lanesboro, Chatfield, Harmony, Rushford and Spring Valley. There already is a drop box in Preston. These will be secure boxes to drop off prescription drugs for their safe disposal. The purchase was approved using Opioid Funds.
- County Engineer Ron Gregg recommended approval of a bid from Rochester Sand & Gravel in the amount of $1,774,074.64 for a full depth reclamation and new pavement federal project on CSAH 2. The lone bid was approved. The engineer’s estimate for the project was $2,021.210.30.
- Fuel bids for 2025 submitted by Consolidated Energy Co. in the total amount of $17,726 were approved. There was only one bidder.
- County Administrator Bobbie Hillery explained a letter has been received from the Department of Revenue requiring the county to appoint someone as Interim County Assessor for 90 days. The person does not have to be certified as an Accredited Minnesota Assessor (AMA) to provide leadership for 90 days in the department. Approval was granted to appoint Roxane Kraling as Interim County Assessor with a wage increase for this time frame. Hillery noted she has reached out to Dodge County for a certified assessor to sign documents that need to be signed by a licensed assessor during this period.
- Approval was granted for a signature on the congested area letter for spongy moth treatment in Fillmore County. Last year there was a presentation before the board on the spongy moth. The Whalan area is the focus for the spongy moth.
- Danielle Stortz was hired as the replacement Intake Social Worker, effective March 17.
- Daniel Doerr was hired as a replacement Transfer Station Attendant, effective February 28.
- Approval was granted for the closing of county roads within Preston for Preston Trout Days on May 17. Use was also approved on May 17 of the courthouse parking lots for the Preston Pop Up Market.
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