At the October 22 meeting of the Fillmore County Board, Blake Lea, land use director, asked the board to consider contracting septic service for Houston County for Type IV and V septic systems.
Lea and feedlot officer Dallas Dornink have been taking trainings to get certifications for Type IV and V septic systems. Lea is now qualified for these non-conventional systems. These systems are installed in small lots with limited space that will not accommodate a full system.
Houston County does not have anyone qualified for these advanced systems. Lea explained if Fillmore County contracts with Houston County for these systems, Houston County will still be doing soil verification.
Lea expects even with travel time it will require less than a day for each system. The board authorized the county attorney to draw up a contract for contracted services. A fee of $1,000 per system will be charged for the contract work.
Other Business in Brief
- Jessica Erickson, public health director, asked the board to consider contracting with Mount Olivet Rolling Acres, Inc. to provide case management for cases that have moved out of the county (persons with disabilities or chronic illnesses). There is no cost to the county. The services provided by Mount Olivet Rolling Acres will be paid for directly by the Department of Human Services. The contract was approved as presented.
- The board approved advertisement of all the highway projects listed in the approved 2025 Fillmore County Capital Improvement Plan. County Engineer Ron Gregg said currently there are five projects ready to advertise in November. All projects are to be advertised as soon as possible. Projects include concrete overlay, full depth reclamation and bituminous surfacing, reconstruction, bridge replacements, gravel surfacing, and chipseal projects.
- The contract agreement between the county and Minnesota Department of Public Safety for the 2025 Toward Zero Deaths Grant in the amount of $11,500 was approved. Sheriff John DeGeorge noted the grant funds are used to conduct special enforcement for DWI, distracted driving, move over for emergency vehicle, seat belt use, and speeding.
- Kourtney Olson was hired as a replacement social worker, effective October 28.
- Jason Harmening was promoted to Emergency Management/Deputy Sheriff, effective October 19.
- The resignation of Wade Anderson, part-time deputy sheriff, effective October 6, was accepted with thanks for two years of service.
- County Administrator Bobbie Hillery reported that caulking and joint sealant work at the jail project was proceeding and is expected to cost less than the $38,539 listed in the change order discussed at the last board meeting. She noted they did not have Omission or Error insurance. The board had questioned who was responsible to pay for this change order.
- Voting members and delegates for the 2024 Association of Minnesota Counties Annual Conference were approved (commissioners Lentz, Hindt, Bakke, and Dahl, and administrator Hillery, director of nursing Erickson, social services manager Berg, and highway engineer Gregg).
- Approval was granted for Hillery to be the delegate and Bakke to be the alternate delegate for the 2024 Minnesota Counties Intergovernmental Trust Annual Meeting.
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