Approval was given to advertise for a Community Corrections Director at the May 24 board meeting. Fillmore County withdrew from Dodge-Fillmore-Olmsted Community Corrections and the Joint Powers Agreement, effective January 1, 2023.
Since then, David Drown Associates has done a review of the job description and classification for the director position. A Fillmore County Community Corrections Committee has been created and will include the Community Corrections Director, commissioner Duane Bakke, chairman Mitch Lentz, Sheriff John DeGeorge, Attorney Brett Corson, Cdministrator Bobbie Hillery, and the Social Services Manager.
This committee met for the first time last week. There was a request to add Judge Mathew Opat to the committee. Opat has said he will participate and offer his input as much as his schedule will allow. A motion to add Judge Opat to the committee was approved.
The Community Corrections Committee will put together a comprehensive plan, while working on contracts, programming, staffing, and training.
County Engineer Ron Gregg requested and received approval for an amendment to a MnDOT agreement. The amendment will increase the state funding on a bridge replacement project on CSAH 30 (east of HIghway139). The funding will increase about $6,000 from $57,667.25 to $63,651.71.
The board approved Gregg’s request to move Local Option Sales Tax project on CR 117 in the city of Wykoff to this year’s construction schedule. It had been scheduled for 2024. Wykoff is working on three of the city’s streets this year. Working on CR 117 during the same time period will result in savings for the county.
Bakke reviewed the progress and timing of 2022 highway projects. He noted that they are pursuing an agreement with the DNR to transfer ownership to the DNR of the portion of CR 118 that lies within the boundaries of Forestville State Park.
The storage building the county plans to build in Chatfield will likely be rebid in the fall. The board had rejected the only bid they had received for the construction of the building because it was significantly over budget.
Other business in brief
• The resignation of Andrew Hatzenbihler, Solid Waste Administrator, was approved with thanks, effective June 9 after five years of service. Approval was given to advertise for a replacement Solid Waste Administrator.
• The transfer of Gretchen Schwichtenberg to Public Health Accounting Technician was approved. A request to hire a replacement Child Support Officer was approved.
• The renewal of the Communications Antenna License for the state of Minnesota was approved for another five years. The state pays $1,500 per year to have a repeater system antenna on the tower.
• A field drive access permit to CR 2 was approved for Menno and Polly Miller, section 30 of Sumner Township.
A permit to widen an existing field drive to CR 23 was approved for David and Debra Lawstuen, section 10 of Amherst Township.
A permit for a new residence access to CR 18 was approved for Alan Spaulding, Weisel Creek LLP, section 32 of Preble Township. An existing access will be used as a field drive.
An access permit for access to CR 21 (South Main St. in Canton) for access to a separate lot was approved for Mike and Cindy Shanks, section 28 in the city of Canton.
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