A draft ordinance was discussed at the county board’s June 4 meeting. The ordinance is intended to protect health and safety. It details rules and regulations for actual use of cannabinoid products in public places.
Public Health educator, Brenda Pohlman and County Attorney Brett Corson worked on a review of a first draft. The Association of Minnesota Counties (AMC) provided a cannabis planning and zoning document at a meeting held on Monday. County Administrator Bobbie Hillery said they need answers to questions brought up during that meeting.
No cities in the county currently have provided their position on the draft ordinance. Pohlman explained they will need some notice from the cities that they intend to follow the county ordinance. Section 7 in the draft ordinance says, “This ordinance shall be applicable within the legal boundaries of Fillmore County with the exception of cities or townships that have adopted their own ordinance establishing standards for public use of cannabinoids within their jurisdiction.” Corson said each city should vote yea or nay on a resolution.
Chairman Duane Bakke called it an administrative nightmare at this point. The county registers a cannabis business. The business then gets its license from the state to operate.
The ordinance that defines rules for use in public places includes both low and high potency cannabinoids. The public hearing was set for July 2 at 10 am. during a scheduled county board meeting.
Other Business in Brief
• Finance director Christy Smith reported that a 12-month CD with the original amount of $240,000 will mature on June 7. She provided options to reinvest the funds and the earned interest. The board approved a motion to invest the $240,000 in Magic funds for six months at a 5.55% interest rate. Commissioner Marc Prestby voted against, as he wanted to keep the funds in a local Fillmore County bank. Earned interest will be added to a current F& M Community Bank checking account.
Smith reported that the audit process was progressing well and is on schedule.
• Director of Public Health Jessica Erickson provided two quotes to purchase blinds for offices. The cost will be covered by a Local Public Health grant. The low quote in the amount of $7,842 from Hangman Window Treatments LLC in Chatfield was approved.
• Brooke Johnson, part-time jailer, was promoted to full-time jailer, effective June 7.
• A four-year reappointment of Ron Gregg as county engineer was approved.
• Crystal Hegge, Winona Advocacy for Sexual Assault Victim Services, noted they provide services to Winona and the surrounding area. They advocate on behalf of victims through medical and legal processes. They provide mental health and social support. The board approved a contract with Winona Advocacy pending attorney review. The county will provide funding for the service in the amount of $19,500. Hillery said the goal is to make sure victims in Fillmore County are provided these services and are supported.
• The budgeting schedule was approved. The Truth in Taxation hearing will be held on December 3 and the final 2025 budget and levy will be adopted at a December 17 meeting. Departments will use a 3% cost of living increase for budgeting purposes.
• The board discussed the possibility of providing summer hours for employees. State statute allows a change of hours over the summer. Prestby said he was totally against the policy as we are here to serve the public. Bakke asked many of the county’s department heads if summer hours would be appropriate for their departments. The majority of department heads didn’t think it would work to be closed on Friday afternoons. Approval was granted to “not” take up a summer schedule and to allow department heads to continue to use the existing flex schedule.
• It was noted that commissioner Mitch Lentz was elected to serve as AMC District 9 director.
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