At the June 28 Fillmore County Board meeting, County Administrator Bobbie Hillery reported on the April Consumer Price Index (CPI). The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics had reported that costs increased 8.3% before seasonal adjustment over the last 12 months.
Hillery noted they generally use the April CPI to establish a possible cost of living increase in the budgeting process for the coming year. The Personnel Committee recommended using a 4.5% cost of living increase during the 2023 budgeting process. Hillery said they will not go higher but may come down.
Commissioner Marc Prestby said he was okay with 4.5% for budgeting purposes; it can be adjusted. The board agreed by consensus to plug in a 4.5% cost of living increase for budgeting purposes.
Commissioner Randy Dahl insisted inflated costs, especially gasoline, need to be considered by department heads in their budgets. Hillery noted that the county has become more efficient in some areas and that will help offset some added costs due to inflation.
Other business in brief
•Joel Kroening was hired as the replacement Solid Waste administrator, effective July 8. Approval was given to advertise for a replacement Transfer Station attendant.
•Thomas Jensen was hired as the Community Corrections director, effective July 18.
•Approval was given for an account transition from Further (health care accounts administrator) to WEX and from Medsurety to WEX as recommended by the Benefits Committee.
•County Assessor Jason McCaslin provided and reviewed an updated policy for Abatement of Valuation or Taxes. He removed some language that did not conform to state statute (Statutory language defining abatements does not allow a property’s value or taxes to be increased). Having done that, he redefined a couple of definitions and cleaned up some language to make the policy easier to understand. He increased the minimum abatement amount from $25 to $50 (abatements totaling less than $50 will not be approved). Abatement applications will not be approved when changes to a property have not been reported. The policy changes had been reviewed by both McCaslin and A/T Christy Smith. The policy was approved as presented with updates and changes.
•A resolution was approved to establish an Absentee Ballot Board for 2022. Board members are Christy Smith, Shannon Smidt, Sharon Miller, Sarah Kohn, (all in auditor’s office), and election judges including Brooke Harmening, Bobbie Hillery, and Lori Affeldt.
•County Engineer Ron Gregg explained two bids had been received for a bridge replacement in Jordan Township. The engineer’s estimate for the project was $1,378,106. The low bid from Minnowa Construction in the amount of $1,071,507.35 was approved as recommended by Gregg.
A report from the Highway Committee included a discussion about replacing underground fuel tanks with one above ground tank in 2023. Gregg said he will look into cost estimates for the tank, its installation, and the removal of the old tanks.
A Pavement Quality Index (PQI) report of county roads mile-by-mile was distributed. The numerical rating ranges from excellent to very poor.
The Fillmore County Livestock Pass policy that was approved in June 2021 came up again. Chairman Mitch Lentz said he wanted the Highway Committee to understand the economic impact the policy puts on a landowner. The landowner is responsible for 30% of the actual cost if a “new” livestock pass is to be installed in conjunction with the reconstruction of the road. Lentz added 30% of the cost will be about $20,000.
Commissioner Duane Bakke noted a “new” livestock pass has not been built for nearly 40 years, but existing livestock passes have been replaced as part of a reconstruction project.
•A Fillmore County citizen asked that her property tax penalties totaling $214.96 be waived. She had paid the property taxes in full on four parcels, but late, after May 15. She claimed she hadn’t received the bill, just the proposed property tax statements. Bakke asked if her address had changed, which it had not. Commissioners did not want to set a precedent. The request to have the penalty waived was denied.
•The county board meeting scheduled for July 5 is canceled due to a light agenda. The next meeting will be held on July 12.
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