At the county board’s November 1 meeting, the board accepted an invitation to join Operation Green Light for Veterans. The National Association of Counties and the National Association of County Veteran Service Officers invited counties, parishes and boroughs throughout the nation to join and demonstrate their support and appreciation for our veterans by lighting buildings green from November 7 to November 13.
County Veteran Service officers process billions in compensation, pension, health care and other benefits for veterans. Veterans Treatment Courts connect veterans with programs and benefits to treat underlying mental health and substance abuse conditions.
Mental Health Family Navigator Model
Social Services Manager Wanda Berg received board approval to apply for a Mental Health Family Navigator Model Grant. This is a research grant to test the effectiveness of the family navigator model to provide services to adolescents and children who are experiencing early symptoms of mental health problems. Berg said it should fill in some of the gaps. It will give us an opportunity to have something local for early intervention.
The National Institute of Health and Mental Health defines the family navigator model as a health care professional who works to engage youth and families in needed treatment services. The referral sources will be schools, child/adult protection, and law enforcement. It is a research grant and applicants are required to provide data. If the grant is awarded and accepted, it will not require a county match. The county may apply for renewal of the grant each year for up to five years.
Other business in brief
•Five bids had been submitted for a bridge replacement on CR 107 south of Peterson, north of the gravel pit. The low bid submitted by Minnowa Construction in the amount of $269,519 was accepted for the Local Option Sales Tax (LOST) project. County Engineer Ron Gregg noted the engineer’s estimate was $197,989. He explained the bid difference is due to the price of box culverts, which have doubled in price this year.
•Three bids were submitted to lease the county farm (45.79 tillable acres) for 2023 and 2024. The high bid submitted by Gavin Wangen in the amount of $362 per acre for each year was accepted.
•The resignation of Rochelle Schwalbach, child support officer, was approved, effective October 24. Schwalbach had been hired effective August 29 and worked as a telecommuter. Commissioner Duane Bakke suggested employees may need to buy into the county, instead of living miles away. County Administrator Bobbie Hillery said it is a tough position to fill which requires about six months of hands-on training. It is a great job but requires an attention to detail and a thick skin.
Approval was given to advertise for a replacement child support officer.
•Commissioner Randy Dahl reported on a recent meeting of counties in the southeast Minnesota district. His complaint was with the fact that the state wants counties to provide certain programs but keeps funding levels the same as the previous year, which fail to keep up with inflation. The county only has property tax as a funding source. In the end it is all taxpayer money. Which tax should pay for services the county is required to provide?
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