Photo by Karen Reisner
County commissioners toured the new addition to the jail facility during their September 24 meeting. The construction process of the new addition is ongoing. It is estimated that inmates will be moved into and housed in the new facility as early as February 2025.
The podular jail design will give clear, straight site lines for observation of inmates in their cells.
Once the inmates are moved the process to remodel the old jail building will continue for about another 18 months.
This day approval was granted for a bid submitted by Xybix Systems, Inc. in the amount of $49,955.68 for dispatch consoles to be installed in the dispatch area of the new addition. This is specialized equipment that will hold monitors.
2025 Budget/Levy
The proposed 2025 budget was discussed. County Administrator Bobbie Hillery noted there was a last-minute change due to an unexpected insurance adjustment. A 65-year-old employee had opted to stay on county single coverage instead of going on Medicare, which is an option available to the employee but costs the county more. Commissioner Marc Prestby, who turned 65 earlier this year, made it clear he did not pass up this option when it became available for him to save taxpayer funds and others should not pass it up either. Health insurance is a major expense for the county. In relation to this adjustment, the support for an Ag intern was discussed. It was made clear that the board supported a 4-H intern but not necessarily an Ag intern. A motion was approved to not support an Ag intern, saving $7,000.
A resolution was adopted approving the 2025 preliminary levy. The total 2025 preliminary levy is $13,729,152, which is a 4.47% increase, or $587,139 over 2024. Hillery thanked County Engineer Ron Gregg (agreed to a reduction of $113,000 for Highway budget) and Sheriff John DeGeorge (agreed to a $93,000 reduction for Sheriff budget) for their cooperation in reducing the 2025 budget.
Other Business in Brief
- Laura Whitacre, Women’s Shelter and Support Center, read a proclamation proclaiming October 2024 as “Domestic Violence Awareness Month.” In 2023, 40 Minnesotans lost their lives because of domestic violence. In 2022 there were 24 lives lost to domestic violence. Whitacre said numbers of domestic violence are escalating.
October 17 will be national “Go Purple” Day. Purple symbolizes peace, courage, survival, honor, hope and personal dedication to Domestic Violence Awareness. A “We Remember” display will be placed in the courthouse. Approval was granted for the chair’s signature on the proclamation and the activities planned for Domestic Violence Awareness Month.
- A public hearing was held regarding the Fillmore County Capital Improvement Plan, a five-year highway construction plan. There were no comments from the public. Commissioner Randy Dahl said the Highway Department is doing an excellent job with the funds that are available. Highway Engineer Ron Gregg said, “My staff and I feel the plan submitted is the best use of funds which come from multiple sources. He recommended approval of the plan. The board will consider approval of the plan as presented at their next meeting.
- Authorization was granted to sign and accept the CVSO (county veteran service office) grant budget agreement with the Minnesota Department of Veteran Affairs. The $10,000 grant will be used for a conference room TV, two laptops, a table, first aid kit, clothing for staff and drivers, veteran bronze grave marker, and promotional items.
- Finance Director Christy Smith asked the board to reconsider the investment of a mature $200,000 CD. The funds couldn’t be invested with the same bank approved at the last meeting because of money already invested in that bank. Approval was granted to invest the funds at the First National Bank for 12 months at an interest rate of 4.5%. The vote was 3-2. Bakke and Lentz voted no because a slightly higher rate was available at a bank outside the county. Normally, the highest rate is approved. The interest difference would have been $400.
- Approval was granted to change the status of Autumn Collett from a part-time jailer to a full-time jailer effective September 27.
- Jordan Rudolph was transferred from a full-time jailer to a full-time sheriff’s deputy effective September 27.
- Christina Gildner’s request to transfer from lead adult social worker to eligibility worker effective October 11 was approved. Advertisement for a lead adult social worker for one weak internally first and then publicly if needed for an additional three weeks was approved.
- An access permit for Galyn and Josh Simon for a new field drive on CR 17 NW in section 6 of Harmony Township was approved. The existing field drive is too sharp of an angle for semis and large machinery.
*An access permit for William and Roxanne Johnson to widen a current driveway on CR 16 in section 27 of Preston Township was approved. The wider access is needed for home construction on a new building site.
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