At the November 28 Fillmore County board meeting, Social Services Director Wanda Berg explained there will be value for both clients and the county to have adult mental health services provided in-house.
Adult mental health case management services have been provided by Zumbro Valley Mental Health. This contract will not be renewed. Services provided by the county for Fillmore County clients will result in more revenue from the federal government.
Approval was granted to hire two Adult Mental Health workers to provide the in-house service. Another worker will work half time with Adult Mental Health and half with Public Health.
This arrangement will be easier for the client as it will be a “one stop shop.”
The net revenue is estimated to be about $513,000 after subtracting the cost of the two new positions and adding the expected $38,000 contract payment to Zumbo Valley Mental Health.
Other services will continue to be provided by Zumbro Valley Mental Health.
Other Business in Brief
•County recorder Roxanne Kraling provided an updated checklist sheet for land transfers. When land is transferred, or parcels are split there are several required steps that involve several departments. Kraling said her goal was to get all the requirements from the different departments all on one form. Departments involved include auditor/treasurer, recorder, land use/zoning, and assessor. The new Fillmore County land transfer checklist was approved as presented.
Kraling also noted everything has been transferred from the old invoice system to a new system which eliminates one program costing $826. The board approved the elimination of the old software system, so it will not be renewed.
•A resolution for a conditional use permit for TowerNorth for a Telecommunications Tower in section 22 of Chatfield Township was approved with one condition. When the Planning Commission approved the CUP with a 6-1 vote on November 16, it was noted that there will be a white strobe light on the 250-foot tower. The condition added by the county board will require the strobe light to be red at night.
•The lowest bid submitted by Minnowa Construction in the amount of $289,796.50 was accepted for a Rushford Village bridge replacement project. The engineer’s estimate was $356,217.50.
The lowest bid submitted by Midwest Contracting LLC was accepted for two bridge replacement projects (Carimona and Arendahl Townships) in the amount of $559,559.75. The engineer’s estimate was $605,431.50.
The lowest bid submitted by Minnowa Construction for two bridge replacement projects (CSAH 12 in Carimona Township and CASH 30 in Harmony Township) in the amount of $655,503.50 was accepted. The engineer’s estimate was $968,520.50. County engineer Ron Gregg explained this estimate was high because it used figures when culverts were 30% higher than they are currently.
Gregg said they should thank legislators for bridge bonding dollars that have come from the state.
•A resolution of support and agreement to sponsor the city of Whalan for a Local Road Improvement Project for Oak Street Drainage and Trail Connection was approved.
The final payment to Rochester Sand & Gravel in the amount of $44,185.81 for the surface reconditioning project on CSAH 8 east of Spring Valley was approved.
•Paybook #7 for the Jail project in the total amount of $115,030.90 was approved. Much of this was for underground work at the site.
•County Administrator Bobbie Hillery reported on damage to a Resource Recovery Recycling building caused by a hauler truck on November 20. The claim has been sent to MCIT. They will follow up and get the claim processed.
•Inappropriate dumping of items, like TVs, at recycling bins was discussed. It was decided to have the Solid Waste committee look into the problem and to have them come back to the county board with a recommendation.
•The next regular meeting of the county board will be on December 12 at 3 p.m. The Truth in Taxation hearing will be held at 6:30 p.m.
Legislators will come before the board at 10 a.m. at the board’s December 19 meeting.
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