At the May 9 county board meeting Mike Bubany, David Drown Associates, Inc., made final recommendations prior to sale of general obligation bonds for financing the renovation and expansion of the Fillmore County Jail.
He recommends a rated, standard competitive public sale of bonds. The jail bonds are eligible for credit enhancement via the State’s Public Facility Authority, which may allow for a more favorable interest rate. The proposed bond size is $6,390,000. The total expected cost of the project is $11,266,828. The difference will mostly be made up using ARPA funds and $900,000 in cash in a fund committed for jail construction. Bubany estimates the net effective interest rate to be about 3.9%.
A resolution was unanimously adopted authorizing a competitive negotiated sale of $6,390,000 general obligation jail bonds. They will be for a 20-year term. The competitive sale is to be conducted on July 10. The board will consider a resolution awarding the sale of the bonds on July 11. Closing is expected to be on August 1.
Other business in brief
•Cindy Vitse, Semcac/Bluff Country HRA, requested matching funds for a Minnesota Housing Program Grant Community Homeowner Impact Fund. The Impact Fund can help with the creation and reinvestment in affordable owner-occupied homes. The goal of the fund is to increase the supply of owner-occupied single-family housing. The fund is also used for rehabilitation of owner-occupied homes. The deadline to submit an application for the grant is July 13. The total grant could be up to $200,000 for both Fillmore and Houston Counties. Houston County contributed $20,000. The board approved a motion committing $20,000 contingent on the program being funded.
•Dallas Dornink, feedlot officer, presented the 2022 County Feedlot Officer Annual Report and the end of the year review. Dornink said there were 597 feedlots last year and 42 inspections were completed. There are 574 registered feedlots this year and 40 inspections will be required. Fifty animal units is considered a feedlot. If located in the shoreland, 10 animal units is considered a feedlot. A written manure management plan is required with over 100 animal units. The board approved the report as presented.
•A Memorandum of Understanding between Fillmore County and Law Enforcement Labor Services, Inc. to establish a full-time courthouse security deputy position was approved effective May 12. Tyler Spande was promoted from part-time courthouse security to full-time courthouse security deputy, effective May 12.
Sheriff John DeGeorge explained some hours will be supplemented by his staff, as the courthouse is open more than 40 hours per week.
•The resignation of Michael Hadland, sheriff’s deputy, was approved after nearly 23 years of service, effective June 7. Approval was granted to advertise for a replacement deputy.
•Approval was granted to increase grade/step for Kathryn Hamann, Public Health RN, as she has obtained a certificate from the Minnesota Board of Nursing for Public Health Licensure.
•Fund balance summary was reviewed and approved.
•The schedule for 2024 budgeting was presented and accepted by consensus. The hearing for Truth in Taxation is to be held on December 12 at 6:30 p.m.
•Southeastern Minnesota Association Regional Trails (SMART) membership dues in the amount of $25 will be paid.
•The appointment of Richard Junge, Bristol Township, by the Fillmore County Unit of Townships to fill a vacancy on the Planning and Zoning Commission was approved.
•The county board meets next on May 23.
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