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PRESTON, MN, January 12, 2023 — Local farmer Jared Olson recently directed a $5,000 Bayer Fund America’s Farmers Grow Communities donation to the Fillmore County Agricultural Society (Fillmore County Fair Board). The Fair Board used the funds to complete a safety project for bringing water to the grandstand at the Fillmore County fairgrounds. The Fair Board graciously wants to thank Olson for making this donation available. This donation made it possible to make some needed improvements to the grandstand. Water is now instantly available for any issues related to performances in the track area, especially for safety during the demolition derby. The board was also able to improve the sound in the grandstand seating for the viewers while the contractors were on site, explained Aaren Mathison, 2022 president of the Fillmore County Fair Board.
In 2022, Bayer Fund revamped America’s Farmers Grow Communities program, making it easier for farmers across the country to find and fund the organizations and institutions that keep their communities thriving. This included doubling the individual donations to $5,000, up from $2,500 in previous years to provide a greater impact to local rural communities.
For more than a decade, Grow Communities has partnered with farmers to direct funds to programs and organizations that contribute to their communities’ health and vibrancy, such as food banks, schools and youth agriculture programs. Since the America’s Farmers programs began in 2010, the initiatives have awarded nearly $65 million to such programs.
“Each year we hear from several nonprofit and school leaders, as well as farmers, about the ways Grow Communities has made a difference,” said Al Mitchell, Bayer Fund president. “Bayer Fund is proud to work side-by-side with farmers to identify local nonprofit organizations and schools that are improving rural communities in the areas of health and wellness, food and nutrition, and STEM and ag education.”
Farmers can now enroll for the opportunity to direct a 2023 Grow Communities donation. To learn more about the enrollment process and how America’s Farmers programs are making an impact, visit www.Americasfarmers.com.
About Bayer Fund
Bayer Fund is a nonprofit organization dedicated to strengthening the communities where Bayer customers and employees live and work by providing funding for food and nutrition, education and community development projects.
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