Photo by Karen Reisner
Sheriff John DeGeorge read the nomination letter at the county board’s October 1 meeting which nominated Don Kullot, Deputy/Emergency Manager, for the Association of Emergency Managers Outstanding Performance in Emergency Management Award.
Amy Bramwell, Mower County Emergency Manager, had addressed the letter to the nomination committee. She wrote, “Region 1 has been honored to work with Don.” He has used his training in Emergency Management to coordinate with a neighboring county in the search for a missing Winona County resident. He also initiated a reunification center to get 35 students back home after a school bus from another county had an accident in Fillmore County. Kullot has assisted in training other Emergency Management members in the region.
Kullot was presented the award by the Association of Emergency Managers. He is retiring effective October 18. DeGeorge said when one is recognized by your own colleagues, it is a different recognition. Chairman Duane Bakke said the award was very well deserved. The board gave him a standing ovation to recognize his contribution to the county and the region, Each of the commissioners then congratulated him and shook his hand.
During Citizens Input, Mike Zimmer, Spring Valley Emergency Manager and Ambulance Director, said he was at the conference when Kullot received the award. Kullot is respected regionally and statewide for his dedication and as a communicator. “We will really miss him and wish him luck in his retirement/ he has been by our side every time.”
Southern Minnesota
Initiative Foundation (SMIF)
Alissa Oeltjenbruns, SMIF vice-president of community vitality, discussed the philanthropic organization and its investments toward early childhood development, entrepreneurship, and community vitality. SMIF serves 20 southern Minnesota counties. For every dollar donated from Fillmore County, $33 is invested back into Fillmore County communities.
SMIF serves as the fiscal host for six community foundations. She maintained nine of 10 businesses supported by SMIF have succeeded. The program for early childhood development strives to get children ready to learn when they enter kindergarten.
A donation to SMIF from Fillmore County has already been approved in the 2025 budget.
Other Business in Brief
- Payment of Jail Project paybook #17 in the total amount of $806,231.14 was approved. County Administrator Bobbie Hillery said the inside is starting to come together, but there is a lot of work to go.
- County Engineer Ron Gregg recommended approval of the final payments for three completed projects.
The final payment to Rochester Sand & Gravel in the amount of $53,909.67 for the surface reconditioning project on CSAH 4 in Jordan Township was approved. The total value of work was $1,078,193.38.
The final payment to Croell, Inc. in the amount of $40,531.92 was approved for the concrete overlay on CSAH 1 in Spring Valley Township. The total value of work was $817,701.07.
The final payment in the amount of $22,720.32 was approved to Griffin Construction, Inc. for the surface recondition (LOST) project on CR 113, Canton Township in the town of Prosper. The total value of work was $454,406.35.
Final payments for 2024 Rock Contracts were approved. A final payment in the amount of $15,348.34 was approved to Bruening Rock Products for the 2024 contract for several 3-digit roads and CSAH roads. A final payment in the amount of $5,849.04 was approved for Milestone Materials, Inc. for the 2024 contract for CSAH 6 and CSAH 20.
- The board approved the order of a new 2024 John Deere 672G Motor grader from RDO Equipment Co. The grader will cost $410,907.11 with trade. This was the lower of two quotes. Payment for the grader is in the 2025 budget.
- The five-year Capital Improvement Plan for highway construction was approved. A public hearing was held at the board’s September 24 meeting regarding the plan. There were no public comments. A resolution, Transportation Option Sales Tax Project Designations, was adopted. It will allow proceeds from the 0.5% Transportation Sales Tax to be dedicated exclusively to capital costs of any and all projects in the five-year Capital Improvement Plan.
- The final payment to Everstrong Construction for the Airport T Hangar construction in the amount of $19,926.15 was approved. The project is completed. The total value of work was $1,602,456.39.
- The final payment to Wieser Brother General Contractor, Inc. in the amount of $35,659.02 for the Airport Terminal Building was approved. The project is completed; the contractor did everything that was required. The total value of work was $1,188,633.88.
Bakke asked about a holding tank which has to be pumped. Gregg explained the airport doesn’t currently have a drain field. Water treatment for iron causes the system to generate more water and fill the tank faster than expected. The consultant didn’t plan for a drain field. A drain field will need to be installed. Who picks up the cost hasn’t been determined. Gregg said Wieser did everything required of them.
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