At the March 11 meeting of the county board, the operation of the Assessor’s Office during this interim period without an assessor was discussed. Commissioner Duane Bakke was absent.
Action was taken approving an agreement with Dodge County to provide needed assistance in the assessor’s department. Matt Naatz will work as an independent contractor eight hours every other week to provide necessary services as a licensed certified person in the assessor’s office. The agreement is for 90 days.
Steve Hacken (formerly assessor for Winona County) has a contract with Fillmore County for his services every other week, but he is retired and is no longer licensed. Hacken will work with Naatz to determine what needs to be fixed and then, follow through and fix things.
The Independent Contractor Liaison Agreement with Dodge County had been reviewed by county attorney, Brett Corson. The agreement was approved as was the contract with Matt Naatz for licensed services.
County Administrator Bobbie Hillery noted they are meeting with an applicant for the assessor position.
Other Business in Brief
• Terry Schultz, building maintenance supervisor, asked for and received approval to update the Automated Logic Software version on the HVAC System. The system will be updated by WHV Inc. at a cost of $5,890. Schultz said the update will allow him to manage the systems for buildings including the new jail from his office.
• Seven bids had been submitted for the replacement of a bridge (box culvert) on CSAH 9 south of Ostrander. The low bid submitted by Minnowa Construction in the amount of $171,923.35 was approved. The engineer’s estimate was $223,006.40.
• Four bids submitted for CSAH 17 surface reconditioning were discussed. However, the low bid in the amount of $2,893,265.43 was not considered this day because the bids have not yet gone through federal official authorization. The bids will be considered at the next board meeting on March 25.
• A resolution was adopted in support of the Legislative-Citizen Commission on Minnesota Resources (LCCMR) application for a grant to restore and reinstall the Historic Forestville bridge. The Forestville State Park is operated by the DNR, and the Forestville Historic Site is operated by the Minnesota Historical Society. The bridge connects the park and the historic site. The bridge, built in 1899, needs to be rehabilitated and reset. The board supports the application for grant funding for the preservation of the bridge.
• Courtney Eide was hired as a replacement Eligibility Worker, effective March 17.
• The first reading of the draft PTO policy was discussed. Human resources officer Lindsi Engle noted the only change to the policy was the deletion of the sentence that read: “Any unused ESST (earned sick and safe time) will be paid out at the end of the year.” This sentence is removed in the draft PTO policy.
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