County Administrator Bobbie Hillery detailed more possible savings in the 2023 budget at the board’s September 13 meeting.
Requested new tech positions in both the administration’s and the recorder’s offices were eliminated from the budget. A request for another full-time jailer was limited to a part-time jailer. Soil and Water Conservation District will not receive a requested $10,000 increase in their appropriation. At this point the requested PSAP position for the Sheriff’s Office is still in the proposed budget. Social Services adjustments will net savings. The airport will use $50,000 of reserves to reduce the 2023 budget.
With these and other small adjustments the proposed levy increase had been reduced to 3.35%. Commissioner Duane Bakke questioned the elimination of unallocated operating expenses. He suggested raising the proposed levy to 3.95% to allow $65,000 to be put into the unallocated contingency fund for potential emergency spending needs is the responsible thing to do. If it does not get used it will carry over into the next year.
The budget will again be discussed at the September 27 meeting. The preliminary budget will need to be approved that day. This day there seemed to be some consensus on the 3.95% number which can be reduced but not increased when the final budget and levy are approved in December.
Medical Examiner
Ross Reichard, M.D. Mayo Clinic, presented his annual review. The regional medical examiner’s office covers eight southeast Minnesota counties. They also do autopsies for Steele County and La Crosse County.
Fillmore County had 200 deaths in 2021, of which 143 were reported to the medical examiner. A complete autopsy was performed on 15. Eighty-two were certified without postmortem examination. Forty-six were certified after an investigation.
Fillmore County had no homicides in 2021. There were four suicides. Twelve deaths were ruled accidental. One-hundred twenty-eight were determined to be natural deaths.
Many of the accidental deaths are from a fall by individuals over 75 years of age. One death was due to illegal drugs and one due to mixed drugs. Fillmore County has lower than average deaths per capita resulting from drug overdoses. Reichard warned fentanyl laced drugs are lethal.
Cardiac and cancer related deaths are first and second causes of natural deaths.
A third amendment to the Medical Examiner/Autopsy Services agreement was approved. The four-year agreement (2023-2026) has a charge for services at $3.19 per capita (based on 21,136). This charge will increase 2% each year of the agreement.
Other business in brief
County Attorney Brett Corson updated the board on the Amish septic litigation. Recently, Judge Chase supported Fillmore County requirements. The judge recognized that Fillmore County has a less restrictive septic method for Amish and has made efforts to work with the Amish community. The Amish can appeal again. Corson acknowledged some Amish are still waiting for a final decision, but over time many Amish have become compliant with the septic ordinance. Zoning Administrator Cristal Adkins agreed many are making improvements and moving in the right direction. Corson added that he felt the litigation process has helped others, who are not members of the Amish community, to become compliant.
The annual Emergency Management Performance Grant agreement for 2021 in the amount of $20,751 was approved. A 50-50 match is required. Emergency Manager Don Kullot said we met all the requirements.
Jessica Erickson, director of nursing, explained the number one complaint in her department is noise. Many contacts with clients are on the phone. When several people are talking on phones it can be noisy. She requested the addition of panel extenders to existing panels to add privacy and to reduce sound. This is the least costly option to reduce sound. Approval was given to purchase the panels from Beckley’s Office Products. Including installation and delivery the panels will cost $6,667.50. Erickson added local health grants may pay some of the cost.
Approval was given for Gopher Septic to replace a compressor for the Greenleafton Septic System, at an estimated cost of $4,000. This cost gets assessed back to the users of the septic system.
The board interviewed six candidates for the open Social Services Manager position.
The county board meets next on September 27.
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