The many budgets under the Sheriff’s Department were discussed at the county board’s August 9 meeting. The budgets under the Sheriff Department umbrella include 911 funds, sheriff office, Spring Valley contract, Mabel-Canton-Harmony contracts, forfeitures, DARE, dispatch, court security, jail, and emergency management.
Sheriff John DeGeorge said a big change in the Sheriff’s office budget is due to the fact that they have not been able to acquire new squad cars, which have not been available. Therefore, there has not been the resale of older squad cars.
An increase was shown in the dispatch budget for 2023. DeGeorge asked to include funding in the 2023 budget for a PSAP (Public Safety Answering Point) manager. He explained the department has historically had four full-time dispatchers who together provide 24/7 coverage. Leroy Eickoff, who has been with the department for about 30 years, is the lead dispatcher. He has seen the responsibilities and complexity of the job increase substantially over the years. DeGeorge credits him with making it operational with the current number of full-time dispatchers and some part-time dispatchers.
DeGeorge did a survey of counties with a population of 30,000 or less. Twenty-three counties responded with an average of seven plus dispatchers. Most have a dispatch supervisor. A PSAP manager will act as a dispatch supervisor. DeGeorge maintained the additional position will bring the number of full-time dispatchers to five.
Jail Administrator Jamie Fenske said the additional full-time person will lower payments to part-time dispatchers and reduce some overtime costs. Chairman Mitch Lentz made it clear that the addition of this position has nothing to do with the jail remodel and addition plans.
Under the jail budget, Sheriff DeGeorge also requested the addition of a full-time jailer. This additional full-time position could eliminate most of the part-time positions. It will allow for more flexibility and help to keep two jailers on most of the time, as required by the Department of Corrections. DeGeorge said it is a struggle to recruit and retain part-time people.
Zoning Administrator Cristal Adkins reviewed the zoning and feedlot budgets for 2023. Joel Kroening, solid waste administrator, reviewed the 2023 proposed budgets for solid waste and recycling.
Other business in brief
• The final payment in the amount of $5,844.72 to Minnowa Construction, Inc. for a bridge replacement in Norway Township on Chestnut Rd. was approved. The total cost of the bridge replacement was $116,894.45.
City Engineer Ron Gregg asked for approval to do urgent repairs on CSAH 5 in Forestville Township south of the turnoff to Forestville State Park (118 Street). Commissioner Duane Bakke said he had driven the section (over one-quarter mile) and suggested the repair be continued further to the south side of the bridge. Gregg noted that this portion of CSAH 5 is scheduled for a full depth reclamation in about four years. The repair is needed to improve the very rough road to make it safer until the full depth reclamation is scheduled. Gregg proposed a two-inch overlay over the entire rough section. The repair as suggested by Bakke could cost about $80,000. Gregg said Wheelage Tax funds could be used to pay for it. The board approved the repair from 118 Street south to the south side of the bridge.
• County Attorney Brett Corson described a proposed lease agreement with Minnesota Energy Resources Company (MERC). MERC is requesting an easement (20 foot by 40 foot) on a Fillmore County parcel to install a gas line regulator. Ron Gregg said because of the lack of site distance, the parcel is not buildable. MERC didn’t want to buy the parcel. MERC agrees in the lease agreement to pay $1,000 for the easement. Approval was given to sign the agreement and lease. Lentz voted no.
• Corson described the National Grid Renewable Contract to maintain a drain and tile ditch easement for the proposed Fillmore County Solar Project. Fillmore County owns a small triangular piece that was the location of an old school. Therefore, Fillmore County benefits from the drainage system and is being asked to sign. The contract basically says if the tile line is damaged, Fillmore County Solar Project, LLC agrees to repair and restore the drainage system. The contract was approved as presented.
• Kim Chiglo was hired as a full-time Transfer Station Attendant, effective August 22.
• Rochelle Schwalbach was hired as a full-time Child Support Officer, effective August 29.
• Approval was given to replace an air conditioning compressor on the County Office Building. Winona Heating & Ventilating, Inc. will furnish and install the compressor at a cost of $27,490. The compressor was damaged during a brown out. Terry Schultz, facilities maintenance supervisor, said there are enough funds in the budget to cover the cost. The county will try to get reimbursed by MCIT insurance, minus deductible.
• A $40 phone stipend was approved for Community Corrections Director Thomas Jensen.
• The next meeting of the county board will be held on August 23.
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