At the board’s December 3 meeting, Sheriff John DeGeorge explained body worn cameras could be integrated with the squad car camera system.
Funding for body worn cameras is in the 2025 Sheriff Department budget. There is a process that must be adhered to before the cameras are purchased. Policy that details when the cameras will be activated will be discussed at the December 17 meeting. Before purchase there will be a public hearing, which is required by state statute, relating to the cameras and the policy for use. A public hearing will likely occur in early January.
The initial purchase price for 23 cameras and equipment from Motorola is $24,501.10. The five-year agreement will include a yearly maintenance/subscription cost for years two through five of $17,749.72. The total cost over a five-year commitment for the cameras, equipment and maintenance/subscription is $95,500. Cameras are to be replaced on a three-year rotation. DeGeorge said Motorola will provide the platform, the department will do the management.
The county attorney’s office will have access to the videos; there is to be a mechanism to redact private data. DeGeorge expects his staff will be able to redact private data.
Other Business in Brief
- County attorney Brett Corson reviewed his service with the county. He was first elected in 2002. His office handles a variety of cases including civil, criminal and contracts. Corson noted salary comparisons with other counties that have a comparable population. He concluded with his salary request for 2025. He asked for $154,000 which is a 10% increase or a 7% increase plus the 3% cost of living increase given to other employees.
- Richard Frick’s, Minnesota Sands, application for a conditional use permit for the Dabelstein Mine in Pilot Mound Township was approved as recommended by the Planning Commission with minor changes to the 11 conditions. Land use director Blake Lea explained attorney Corson had recommended a change in the language to owner/operator in several of the conditions. There was a discussion about condition number five requiring a road maintenance agreement and how it could be enforced. The mine will be using about two miles of CR 32. Lea said there will be an annual review of the haul route, and the owner/operator must provide weight slips monitoring usage.
- The final payment in the amount of $30,000 was approved for a Local Road Improvement Program project in Lanesboro on Coffee St. The county acted as the sponsoring agency for the $630,000 grant from the state. The total cost of the project was over $4 million.
- Two bids were submitted for a bridge replacement project on CSAH 11. The low bid in the amount of $585,678.60 submitted by Minnowa Construction was approved. The engineer’s estimate for the project was $834,285.90.
- Three bids were submitted for the 2025 sealcoat program (CSAHs 3, 8, 10,15, 30, 39, and CR 118). The low bid in the amount of $652,187,71 submitted by Scott Construction was approved. The engineer’s estimate was $722,449.17.
- Stipends for 2025 were discussed. Commissioner Mitch Lentz made a motion to approve the $15 stipends and reduce the $40 stipends to $25. A motion was made to table the motion until the next meeting.
- Kathryn Frette was hired as county assessor in August 2024. This day she was reappointed for a four-year term, effective January 1, 2025.
- Paybook # 18 for the Jail Project in the total amount of $109,581.90 was approved.
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