Photo by Karen Reisner
At the January 3 meeting of the Fillmore County board, newly elected officials and a new county recorder were sworn in. Judge Jeremy Clinefelter administered the oath of office to the recently appointed county recorder Roxane Kraling and re-elected officials including county attorney Brett Corson and commissioners Randy Dahl and Duane Bakke.
Larry Hindt was elected to serve as chairman of the board and Duane Bakke as vice chairman.
Forestville bridge
The bridge on CR 118 located in Forestville State Park has continued to be an unresolved issue. It has been closed to vehicle traffic for years and recently has been closed to foot traffic. The abutments have deteriorated to the point that it is no longer safe for foot traffic. Over the years the county has made an effort to work with the DNR and the Historical Society on this issue.
Both the road and bridge are county property. County engineer Ron Gregg offered four options to the board, asking for their direction on how best to move forward. Gregg noted the bridge has been deemed eligible to be placed on the Historical Register but has not been up to this point.
The first option is to restore the bridge in its present location to vehicular traffic. The second option is to replace it with a new structure. The third option is to remove the current structure from the river crossing and close CR 118 at the riverbanks. The fourth option is to transfer ownership of CR 118 within the park boundaries and the ownership of all three bridges within the park to the DNR in an “as is” state.
Commissioners Duane Bakke, Randy Dahl, and Mitch Lentz expressed their support for option two, a new bridge open to vehicular traffic. Gregg noted possible funding sources would require that the bridge be open to vehicular traffic. The DNR has been reluctant in the past to take possession of the park road and the bridge.

Photo by Karen Reisner
Matt Eidem, site manager at Historic Forestville, agreed to try to arrange a meeting with the DNR, Historical Society, and county officials to discuss this issue.
The board approved a motion to go forward with option two with points a, b, c, and d. This will then include a hydraulic analysis for bridge type, width, length and deck elevation estimated to cost $5,000. An engineering consultant will be hired to perform a preliminary design estimated to cost $20,000. Another study will be conducted to determine adverse effects the construction of a new bridge will have on the Historic Forestville site estimated to cost $5,000. Lastly, the State Historical Preservation Office will be consulted as to whether the adverse effects to the site are acceptable to proceed with the new bridge replacement.
A standard agreement with MnDOT was approved for Federal Participation in Construction. Gregg explained the agreement is renewed every other year and used when the state distributes federal money to local districts. A resolution was adopted to enter into the agreement.
Approval was given to hold a public hearing on February 14 regarding the extension of the Fillmore County Local Option Sales Tax (LOST) program. LOST funding (0.5% sales tax) is used primarily for maintenance of three-digit roads.
Other business in brief
•County Assessor Jason McCaslin questioned one line in the Fillmore County Abatement policy. Under types of abatements, disaster relief, and documentation of the property, point #2 reads, “The structure and/or damaged property must be rebuilt on the same site unless not allowed by local zoning or building authorities.” McCaslin cited two cases he is working with; one intends to rebuild, the other does not. The board voted to eliminate the number 2 point under disaster relief.
•The 2023 fee schedule was approved.
•Approval was given to transfer Denise Zwart to Eligibility Worker Lead, effective January 6. Approval was granted to transfer Christina Bakken to Adult Social Worker Lead, effective January 6. Approval was granted to transfer Stephanie Mensink to Child Social Worker Lead, effective January 6.
•A phone stipend was approved for David Emery, highway maintenance.
•The resignation of Jessica Kraus, child support officer, was approved with thanks for 18 years of service, effective January 3. Approval was granted to transfer Kristine Oman to Child Support Officer, effective January 6.
•Approval was granted to transfer Kari Broadwater, Office Support Specialist, Sr. to support Enforcement Aid, effective January 20. A request to advertise for replacement Office Support Specialist, Sr. was approved.
•The resignation of Katie Isenberg, accounting technician, effective January 13, was approved with thanks for her 4.5 years of service. Approval was granted to advertise for a replacement accounting technician.
•An annual resolution was approved to dedicate a portion of tax forfeiture receipts to parks.
•A resolution was adopted setting the per diem rate at $45 (same as 2022). The 2023 mileage reimbursement rate for use of a private vehicle for county use will continue at the IRS recommended rate (currently .655 per mile).
•The salary for county commissioners in 2023 was set at $27,104.79 (a 4.5% increase).
•The county attorney’s salary for 2023 was set at $132,000.
•The county sheriff’s salary for 2023 was set at $123,000.
•The chief deputy’s salary for 2023 was set at $104,663.
•A Memorial Day resolution was adopted for reimbursement of expenses for veteran organization ceremonies.
•County payment for flu shots for county employees is to be provided as an employee benefit.
•The county website will be used as an alternative method for bids.
•The county board will next meet on January 10.
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