At the November 8 Fillmore County Board meeting, the scheduled fourth quarter payment to Olmsted County Community Services in the amount of $119,851.50 was discussed.
Fillmore County Community Corrections director Tom Jensen said they will have no authority until January 1, 2023. Until then, Dodge-Fillmore-Olmsted (DFO) Community Corrections is still bound by contract to provide services until December 27, 2022. However, they are vacating our premises by mid-November. Fillmore County will be fully staffed by November 14.
Commissioner Duane Bakke wanted written assurances that the county will get any over payment dollars back.
The board decided by consensus to pull the line item (hold the invoice) for the fourth quarter payment for now until further clarification is received from the DFO.
Other business in brief
• Approval was given to purchase two Dodge Charger police squad cars, not to exceed $46,258 and $47,575 through Enterprise Fleet Management. Sheriff John DeGeorge explained the quote provided was without government incentives. Squad cars are hard to get; DeGeorge expects these cars won’t be in service for nearly a year.
• Four bids had been submitted to contract for the replacement of three township bridges; the low bid from Midwest Contracting, LLC in the amount of $1,317,529 was accepted. The bridges will be culvert structures. The engineer’s estimate was $1,196,568. County Engineer Ron Gregg explained the cost of culverts are running high.
• The final payment to Minnowa Construction, Inc. in the amount of $13,401.55 was approved for a bridge replacement west of Highway 63 in Beaver Township. The total value of the work was $268,030.95.
• The final payment to Minnowa Construction, Inc. in the amount of $7,373.55 was approved for a bridge replacement in Jordan Township. The total value of the work was $147,470.94.
• The final payment to Milestone Materials for the completion of the 2022 Rock Contract on CR 114 and CR 118 was approved.
• The final payment to Bruening Rock Products for the completion of the 2022 Rock Contract on CSAHs 6, 8, 26, 28, 30, and 13, and CRs 117 and 107 was approved.
• A T-Hanger Rental Lease Agreement for the new T-Hangers at the Fillmore County Airport was discussed. Commissioner Randy Dahl wanted language in the agreement restricting the type of heaters. The lease as proposed allowed improvements or changes with written consent.
Pam Schroeder, airport manager, said the language in the lease was customary. Dahl was concerned about possible fire damages. County Attorney Brett Corson suggested a fairly large damage deposit be required. Language can be added that doesn’t allow a tenant to make any alterations or improvements. The contract will be reworked and require a damage deposit. It will state that no alterations are allowed and require that airplane heaters be professionally installed. A revised lease agreement will be brought back for the board’s consideration.
• Pat Ditroccio was hired as an intermittent bailiff, effective November 9.
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