Summary of Minutes, 5-12-20
Fillmore County Board of Commissioners met in special session, Courthouse, Preston.
Present: All members, Administrator/Clerk, other staff, citizens, and the press.
Board approved:
•Minutes 05-05-2020
•Commissioners’ Warrants, total: $52,382.04
• Finance Warrants, total: $253,503.04
•RESOLUTION 2020-017: Carimona Township Bridge Replacement Project SAP 23-599-197
•signature for FAA Approval of Agreement for Transfer of Entitlements, approves the sum of $75,000 for fiscal years 2017-2018 from Fillmore County Airport to the City of Blue Earth
•signature for Agreement for Waiver, Transfer, and Repayment of Federal Airport Entitlement Funds
•RESOLUTION 2020-018: Snowmobile Funding for 2020-2021 snowmobile season
•Agreement to Offset Ad Valorem Tax with Northern Natural Gas Company reducing 2019 tax year as a result of the 2015-2016 tax year litigation, in the amount of $141,306
•RESOLUTION 2020-019: Absentee Ballot Board for Primary and General Election
Solid Waste:
•4% increase for the first year, effective June 1st, 2020; 2% for the following two years as of January 1st above the annual CPI increase
Human Resources:
•hire Donald Hanson, replacement Custodian at Grade 5/Step 1, $16.98/hour effective May 9, 2020
•Letter for Extending Waivers and Modifications to provide Human Services
•County plan to reopen following Executive Orders lifted
• purchase of glass and sneeze guards, not to exceed $6,320
•Site Access Agreement for MPCA to investigate underground storage tank release of forfeiture property
•Site Right Of Way Agreement for MPCA
This is a summary. The Official County Board minutes are on file and available in the Fillmore County Courthouse. Any questions should be directed to Bobbie Hillery, County Administrator/Clerk at 507-765-4566.
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