Alex Shapiro, director for the Minnesota Driftless Hiking Trail, reviewed progress made for the trail at the board’s January 28 meeting.
This is a non-profit, private, independently directed effort for a 100-plus mile backpacking trail in southeast Minnesota. The proposed corridor goes from Chatfield area through Lanesboro area, Spring Grove area, to the state border through property owned by the DNR and willing private landowners.
Most of the support has been from volunteers. Last year substantial funding was granted by the legislature through the Environmental Trust Fund.
Shapiro said we are now three hours away from the closest long distance hiking trail.
The proposed corridor has been chosen with access to public lands, through towns, with safety measures in mind. It should benefit the economies of the small towns it touches. The trail should provide a back country experience hiking through public, private, and locally owned lands.
Work will include conversations with county engineers, sheriff offices, and others. Shapiro said they were not asking the county for funding but only wanted to keep the board informed. It is expected to be five or 10 years before any long stretches are ready for hikers.
Commissioner Mitch Lentz asked about emergency access to the trail. Marty Walsh, coordinator/volunteer, explained emergency access points are part of the trail planning. These emergency access points will not be accessible to the public.
Other Business in Brief
- The purchase of body worn cameras for the sheriff’s department was approved at a five-year total cost of $95,500 which includes upfront initial equipment costs plus subscription fee for years two through five.
A public hearing was held to allow input on the sheriff’s department body cameras and the policy for body worn cameras at the board’s January 14 meeting. There was no comment from the public. The board this day approved the policy for body worn cameras as presented.
- A cooperative agreement with the city of Spring Valley for the construction of CSAH 8/Tracy Rd. within the city of Spring Valley (between TH 16/63 Broadway Ave. and CSAH 1 Section Ave.) was approved. The agreement had been reviewed by the county attorney.
A long discussion about parking on Farmers St. and Tracy Rd. (after sidewalks are installed narrowing the road) ensued. Lentz noted if parking is allowed on both sides of the street, large equipment (like tractors with dual wheels) have to travel over the center line. He suggested that parking should not be allowed on either side of these streets. Commissioner Duane Bakke said allowing parking on only one side of the street will take care of this problem. It was decided by consensus to consider a resolution at the next board meeting recommending to cities to allow parking only on one side of streets where streets become too narrow for large equipment when there is parking on both sides.
Fuel bids for 2025 were approved.
- Recorder Roxane Kraling presented the 2024 recorder compliance report. All was in compliance; the report was accepted as presented. An expenditures list to be paid from Recorders allocated and unallocated account for 2025 was approved. County Administrator Bobbie Hillery praised Kraling for adjustments she had made so she could do a good job working with existing available software.
- Director of Nursing Jessica Erickson asked for approval to purchase 21 first aid kits for the sheriff’s department and Rushford and Preston police departments. The kits cost about $117 each, or about $2,500 total, which will be paid for with Opioid Settlement Funds. Approval was given for the purchase of the first aid kits. The purchase of pull-up seals for the first aid kits was also approved. The seal tabs are attached to the zippers to make it known when a first aid kit has been used so staff is alerted when to replenish a kit without checking each kit.
- The resignation of Kourtney Olson, social worker, was approved effective January 10.
Approval was granted for Christina Gildner, eligibility worker, to be promoted to social worker, effective January 31. A request to advertise for a replacement eligibility worker was approved.
- Drew Copley, part-time deputy sheriff, was promoted to a full-time deputy sheriff, effective February 28. A request to advertise for a replacement part-time deputy sheriff was approved.
- A Memorandum of Understanding between Fillmore County and the International Union of Operating Engineers, Local #49 was approved.
- An updated Commissioner Committee List was approved.
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