The first of the county’s department heads reviewed their proposed 2025 budget at the July 2 meeting of the county board.
County Administrator Bobbie Hillery noted that insurance for employees is projected to go up 30%, which will be the majority of the increase in the 2025 budget. The general wage increase is set at 3% for budgeting purposes.
Finance Director Christy Smith, District Administrator SWCD Riley Buley, and Community Corrections Director Tom Jensen reviewed their proposed budgets.
Buley requested an appropriation increase in the amount of $5,000 from the county.
Buley noted they are in the process of building a new building which may be ready for SWCD to move into sometime after Labor Day.
Public meetings have been held by the Minnesota Department of Health to discuss nitrates in drinking water in southeast Minnesota. Buley stated there was a wide spectrum of people in attendance at these meetings, including farmers. Sara West, nutrient management specialist, said some came to learn more about nitrates. Chairman Duane Bakke noted they pointed out nitrate issues that can be harmful for pregnant women and babies but the effect on adults is unknown.
West updated the board on the Minnesota buffer law that has been in place since 2017. The law requires a vegetative buffer along rivers, streams and ditches. West said 98.3% of landowners in the county are in compliance with the law. Buffers can be used as pasture or hayed. Landowners that are not in compliance are first notified by letter. Bakke maintained they first have to strongly suggest compliance; if that is not successful, they have to go through an enforcement process. West also listed alternative practices that can reduce the number of feet required for the buffer.
Public Use of Cannabinoids Ordinance
A public hearing was held on the proposed ordinance. County Attorney Brett Corson explained the ordinance prohibits or limits the use of cannabinoids in public places to protect public health and safety. The ordinance is intended to regulate the use of cannabinoids in public places.
Violations of the ordinance may be prosecuted by the county attorney as a petty misdemeanor punishable by a fine of up to $300 and/or community work service.
Hillery noted no one has called or e-mailed about the proposed ordinance. One man from the public, a truck driver, asked if people can smoke marijuana while driving. Is there a legal limit? Corson said driving under the influence complies; law enforcement can conduct a sobriety test and determine if the driver is under the influence. Corson stated the state patrol is conducting a pilot program testing for marijuana. Sheriff John DeGeorge added that they have to prove intoxication with THC; a road test for drugs has just started to be used and seems to be successful so far. There were no other public comments.
Possible approval of this use ordinance will be considered at the next board meeting.
Other Business in Brief
• County Engineer Ron Gregg explained the county has been renting a sand screener for the last couple of years. A Viper 301 Screener can be purchased from Zenke Incorporated for $36,000. Gregg recommended purchasing the screener that is currently for sale. The purchase was approved as recommended.
• June 22 flooding caused significant property damage in Fillmore County. The county board declared Fillmore County in a State of Emergency for conditions resulting from the June flood due to heavy rain. Emergency Management director Don Kullot noted the first flooding in the state began on June 16 in the northern portion of the state. He said e-mails have been sent out or calls have been made to every township and city. He added we are anticipating even more rain.
• Hillery reported that one of the subcontractors working on the jail project cut fiber at 901 Houston St. Sheriff DeGeorge said the damaged fiber line put them back in the 1990s for a time. It was an emergency situation. They learned where the lines run. A business out of Decorah replaced fiber connections at a cost of $7,800. Hillery maintained they will try to recoup the cost from the subcontractor that cut the line.
• Paybook #14 in the total amount of $644,004.62 for the jail project was approved.
• Hemp/Cannabinoid registration for D & J Valley Liquor (DBA T.J.’s Liquor) in Spring Valley was approved.
• Hemp/Cannabinoid registration for Smoking Guns, LLC in Spring Valley was approved.
• Approval was granted for an access permit for Saralee Fassbender for a new driveway to a new building site on CR 115 in section 5 of Canton Township.
• A rezoning application from Peter Swartzentruber, Preston Township, from Agricultural District to B-1 (General Commercial District) was approved as recommended by the Planning Commission. The property is located on the edge of the east city limits of Preston.
• A conditional use permit application from Skyline Materials to expand the existing Frank Quarry in section 3 of Bristol Township was approved as recommended by the Planning Commission.
• A candidate was interviewed for the open county assessor position.
• An attorney-client privilege discussion on legal strategy and settlement was held in closed session.
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