Mike Bubany, David Drown Associates, Inc., presented five bids submitted for the bond sale at the board’s July 11 meeting.
Bubany noted the county had an S & P Global rating of AA-/Stable, which with the state enhancement is AAA/Stable. Good ratings lead to good results. He recommended the low bidder for the $6,390,000 general obligation bond submitted by Stifel, Nicolaus & Co., Inc. with a net effective interest rate of 3.83%.
County administrator Bobbie Hillery explained that with the new bonds, minus the bond payment currently being made to be paid off in 2024, the increase to the levy to pay for the new bonds will be about 1.74%.
A resolution awarding the sale of the $6,390,000 general obligation jail bonds as recommended by Bubany and the levy of a tax to pay the bond over a 20-year period was approved. Bubany said closing will occur on August 1.
The total jail project cost is $11,407,946. The difference will mostly be made up with ARPA funds in the amount of $4,092,018 and committed county cash.
Other business in brief
•Chris Hahn, EDA director, presented the first annual report of the Bluff Country Collaborative (BCC) in Fillmore and Houston Counties. It has been a year of growth for the BCC. The BCC mission is to ensure “all students in Southeastern Minnesota receive a combination of education and experience in grades 7-12 needed to pursue a meaningful career and/or education pathway after high school graduation.” The BCC brings employers and students together. In some cases, students/prospective employees can see firsthand the everyday operations of area businesses. Hahn thanked the board for last year’s investment in the BCC in the amount of $1,500.
•Amendments and clarifying language changes will be drafted by staff within the county’s existing Cannabinoid/THC ordinance. For example, liquor store sales of edibles were not allowed, but that has changed. The new state statute needs to be referenced in the ordinance. Brenda Pohlman, public health, said retailers will need to be educated in regard to sales. Recommended changes to the ordinance will be brought to the July 25 board meeting.
•A letter of support was approved for age-friendly community. Pam Nelson, volunteer in a community group, said the letter of support can help in their application for grant funding. The letter will be sent to the Minnesota AARP state office. Nelson said there is a great need for additional elder resources in the county. As part of the AARP organization, we can get some needed resources. There is no financial ask from the county. Twenty-two percent of the county population is 65 or older. Pohlman said support can help the elderly maintain their independence.
•A grant agreement between Public Health and the Minnesota Department of Public Safety for traffic safety projects was approved for a period between October 1, 2023, through September 30, 2024.
•An access permit to expand an existing driveway to CR 102 was approved for William & Shayne Schmidt, section 16 of Jordan Township.
•The final payment in the amount of $51,829.76 to Minnowa Construction, Inc. was approved for a bridge project that has been completed in Jordan Township. The total project cost was $1,093,595.08.
•The budgeting process for 2024 began with the review of the Recorder’s budget and the Finance Department’s budget. For budgeting purposes, a 3.5% cost of living increase and a 20% insurance cost increase is figured into each department’s budget for 2024.
•Scott Keigley was hired as a replacement sheriff’s deputy, effective July 25.
•Samantha Drogmuller was hired as a part-time dispatcher, effective July 14.
•Approval was granted to remove the lieutenant position from the Sheriff’s Department roster, effective July 21. The position will be replaced with an administrative sergeant.
•Approval was granted for Paybook #2 for the Jail project through the construction manager Contegrity Group.
•The board will meet next on July 25.
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