Heidi Jones read her resignation letter addressed to “Citizens” during the Citizens Input portion of the county board’s August 4 meeting. The following is a portion of her letter: “It has been my great honor to serve on behalf of the people of Fillmore County… However, unforeseen events have impacted my ability to perform the duties with the focus and dedication they deserve.”
The board later in the meeting accepted her resignation. She has been with the county in some capacity for 13 years.
County Administrator Bobbie Hillery asked to amend the agenda, as the auditor/treasurer has a key role in the county. The A/T is in charge of elections, forfeitures, licenses and more. The board can appoint a replacement. She added that neither Lori Affeldt or herself want to be considered. Hillery recommended they offer up to a half time position to Char Meiners. If she accepts, she should begin immediately. Meiners is the former Houston County auditor.
A motion to offer the A/T duties to Meiners was unanimously approved. August 11 is the primary election.
There was some discussion about moving some people around in the upstairs offices that serve the public. It was decided to let David Kiehne, recorder, and Jason McCaslin, assessor, work out a workable space arrangement.
Other business in brief
• Hillery presented an engagement letter with the accounting firm, Clifton Larsen Allen LLP. She requested authorization to consult with the firm on items that are possibly reimbursable through the CARES Act. She noted Broadband grants are not approved. Authorization was approved at an hourly rate.
• A conditional use permit with no conditions was approved as recommended by the Planning Commission for Timberwolf Wind, LLC for a meteorological tower on property owned by Nagels Rolling Acres, LLC located in section 15, Bristol Township.
• A conditional use permit with 11 conditions was unanimously approved for Skyline Materials, LTD for a rock quarry on property owned by David, Harlan, and Darlene Eickhoff located in section 30, Fountain Township. The Planning Commission unanimously approved the CUP with 10 conditions after a lengthy public hearing. Commissioner Randy Dahlwanted one additional condition: dust control is required from the stop sign (at Highway 16) to 200 feet north of the David and Alyssa Johnson property on Lantern Rd.
• County Engineer Ron Gregg presented the Highway Department’s budget for 2021. Discussion ensued as to whether it would be beneficial to free up full-time maintenance employees for regular maintenance activities by hiring part time summer employees to mow ditches. The county has equipment to do some of its own maintenance work, but regular maintenance employees sometime lack the time to do that work.
Gregg anticipates a reduction of the allotment from the state for the highway maintenance portion due to COVID because people have driven less, so less gas tax has been collected.
The Master Agreement for the airport between SEH Engineering and Fillmore County was approved. The contract had been reviewed by county attorney Brett Corson.
Pam Schroeder, highway/airport office manager, presented the 2021 airport budget. Eligible projects planned (T-hangars, consulting, and site design) are paid for with 90% federal dollars, 5% state dollars, and 5% county dollars. Maintenance and operations expenses are eligible for reimbursement. The county share for these projects and Automated Weather Observing System (AWOS) and possible snow removal equipment totals $132,050. The AWOS and snow removal equipment is shared 70% state and 30% county. Schroeder noted in 2015 $100,000 was levied and restricted in the general fund for these projects. So, the amount levied this year for these projects will likely be $32,000 to possibly $44,500. She added these are very preliminary numbers.
• Jason Marquardt, Veteran Services, said the 2021 VSO/MNDVA grant in the amount of $10,000 will be used to upgrade veterans information software, replace a laptop, for office supplies, publicity, marketing, a veterans office temporary employee, and a staff training conference. The board accepted the grant. Marquardt presented his 2021 budget, which was mostly unchanged from 2020.
• Drew Hatzenbihler, Sanitation, asked for and received approval for a 2020 haulers license for Hawkeye Sanitation.
The termination agreement with Winneshiek County Landfill was approved. Moving forward, Fillmore County will have no obligation until the landfill is closed. Hatzenbihler said the county will be responsible for only our percent of the waste in the landfill, which will go down every year since the county will no longer haul waste there. Hillery noted there is over $400,000 that has been restricted in the general fund to be used for landfill closing fees. Now that the contract is canceled those dollars could be unrestricted.
• The 2020-2021 State Boat & Water Safety Grant Agreement with the state was approved. Sheriff John DeGeorge said the grant amount is $1,756. “We don’t always use this money but it is available.”
• The retirement of Kenny Highum effective November 2 was approved with thanks for his 18 years of service.
A request to advertise for a replacement Highway Maintenance Specialist, externally and internally concurrently, was approved.
• The first reading of draft changes to Employee Personnel Records policy with a few updates was made. The second reading will be at the next meeting.
The first reading of numerous draft changes to Announcements, Recruitment and Selection policy was discussed. It will be brought back again for a first reading at the next meeting.
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