Fillmore County Commissioners at their September 27 board meeting unanimously approved the preliminary budget and levy for 2023. The budget in the amount of $12,399,295 requires a 3.95% levy increase, or $471,533 more than in 2022. County Program Aid for 2023 will be $940,355, or $125,351 more than in 2022.
County Administrator Bobbie Hillery noted recent adjustments that had been made prior to approval. Final numbers will be considered in December; the 2023 levy can be lowered but not increased at that time.
The Minnesota Counties Intergovernmental Trust (MCIT) 2022 dividend from the Worker’s Compensation division for the county is in the amount of $45,229. Approval was given to utilize the funds to add to the Infrastructure Fund and to pay for two members of the Safety/EM Committee to attend the Annual Safety Conference.
Hillery provided two options to uplift the current IT contract with Marco. The board voted to enter into a new three-year managed services contract with additional tools at a monthly cost of $18,993.16. There is also a one time implementation fee of $1,767.
Approval was given to advertise for sealed bids for a two-year lease (March 1, 2023 to November 1, 2024) on 45.79 acres more or less of tillable farmland owned by the county.
Citizens input
Anne Flynn, League of Women Voters of Fillmore County, explained there is a national website; The website is different for each state. One can register to vote on the website, locate your polling place, see what is on your ballot, verify your registration, find candidate forums or debates in your area, and find out what candidates’ views are on many topics.
Other business in brief
• Wanda Berg was hired as the replacement Social Services Manager, effective October 3.
• The retirement of Michael Chiglo, highway maintenance, was approved with thanks for his 34 years of service, effective November 10.
• A request from Assessor Jason McCaslin to approve the transition from an individual contract with Tyler Technologies to contracting with Tyler Technologies through the Minnesota Counties Computer Cooperative (MnCCC) contract. McCaslin explained there are some additional costs with an uplift in the contract to cover work due to legislative changes and to add an additional resource (SmartFile). McCaslin said SmartFile is more secure for applicants and provides efficiencies for the taxpayer and the county. He assured the board that the public can still come into the office to submit various applications and forms. SmartFile allows for the convenience to apply online for those who prefer to. The unlimited legislative changes provision costs $7,950 per year. The SmartFile tool will cost $7,544 per year with $23,465 in implementation fees.
• Community Corrections director Tom Jensen asked for and received approval and signature for the Joint Powers Agreement with the Minnesota Government Access (MGA) which allows access to appropriate electronic court records and documents stored in Court Information System. Approval was given for several other agreements necessary to access state government services related to public safety, criminal apprehension. These authorizations and agreements will help the Fillmore County Community Correction Agency to get up and running. Jensen said everything is coming into place. There soon will be interviews for case aides and agent.
• An access permit for a new access to CR 12 for a five-acre parcel where a home is to be constructed was approved for Luv Cummings, section 12 of Preston Township.
• An access permit to CR 12 for a farm driveway for Isaac Deters & Antonette Cummings, section 12 of Preston Township was approved.
• An access permit to widen an existing driveway to CR 12 for Duane & Angel Bakke, section 12 of Preston Township was approved. Commissioner Bakke abstained.
• An access permit to CR 21 for a new access to a new parcel for Quentin Case, section 16 of Canton Township was approved.
• An access permit for a field access to CR 114 for Larry and Jenenne Nielson, section 12 of Beaver Township was approved.
• The county board will meet next on October 4.
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