At the April 2 meeting of the county board the annual nursing consultation services agreement with Fillmore County Developmental Achievement Center (DAC) was approved.
Jessica Erickson, public health director, explained the agreement allows the county nursing consultant who is also an employee of Fillmore County Public Health to be available to consult on anything as needed and to provide annual training. A nurse isn’t required for annual training but will provide annual training this year.
The Fillmore County DAC will pay an hourly fee of $50 in exchange for assignment of a nurse consultant for performance of training services. The county will bill in 15-minute increments.
Christy Smith, finance director, requested and received approval to close four special bank accounts at F & M Community Bank that have had limited activity. The current interest rate on each of the four accounts is less than 1%. The special bank accounts will be closed, and the funds will be transferred into the main bank account which will have a higher interest rate. The funds will be tracked by their account code.
Updates to the list of Finance Warrants were reviewed and approved as presented. The list was last updated in 2019.
Other Business in Brief
- Approval was granted to purchase a new batwing mower replacing the old mower as recommended by the Highway Committee. Four quotes were reviewed. The low quote for a Rhino 3150 15-foot batwing from Connaughty Sales Inc., in Rushford was selected. Brent Kohn said there is a six-year warranty on the mower.
- A request to advertise internally and externally simultaneously for a replacement social worker was approved.
- A candidate recently hired as a replacement administration accounting technician accepted a counteroffer from her current employer, turning down the position with Fillmore County. During the hiring process for a new candidate, County Administrator Bobbie Hillery suggested hiring Kristi Ruesink temporarily for about two days per week at the wage she was receiving when she retired recently. Approval was granted for the temporary hire.
- Paybook # 11 for the jail project per construction manager, Contegrity Group, in the total amount of $853,478.47 was approved.
- The annual township meeting will be held at the Preston Servicemen’s Club on Tuesday, April 9 at 7 p.m.
- The county board meets next on April 9.
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