At the December 20 meeting of the Fillmore County Board and the last meeting of 2022, the 2023 budget and levy were approved. The total 2023 levy which includes $119,773 Disparity Aid is $12,399,295. This is an increase of 3.95 % over 2022.
The budget includes a 4.5 % cost of living increase for non-union employees, which was approved this day. Total revenues and total expenses are budgeted at $37,424,110. A more detailed review of the 2023 budget was presented on December 13 at the Truth in Taxation hearing and covered in the December 19 issue of the Fillmore County Journal (Page 32).
New recorder and finance director
Roxane Kraling was appointed county recorder, effective January 3. She has been training for the position under retiring David Kiehne for a year.
The current Auditor/Treasurer Christy Smith applied for the position of Finance Director after the resignation of Lori Affeldt. The board approved her transfer from auditor/treasurer to Finance director, effective January 6, as recommended by the Hiring Committee.
Approval was given to advertise for a replacement A/T internally and externally, simultaneously.
Forestville bridge
County Engineer Ron Gregg led a discussion regarding the Forestville bridge, at the entrance to Forestville/Mystery Cave State Park, which has been closed to automobile traffic for years. The bridge is on the National Register for Historic Places. It has been an issue for the county for over a decade. It is now also closed to pedestrian traffic, as it is considered unsafe as the abutments are deteriorating.
Gregg said they will try to schedule a meeting sometime in January after a board meeting with the DNR to discuss how best to move forward.
Final payments were approved to Rochester Sand & Gravel for five completed projects as recommended by Gregg, including: the surface reconditioning on CR 117 in the city of Wykoff, the reconstruction of Grosbeak Rd. into the Lanesboro Fish Hatchery, the surface reconditioning on CSAH 3 east and west of the city of Ostrander, the surface reconditioning on CSAH 39 west of Spring Valley, and the surface reconditioning on CSAH 30 between trunk highway 139 to Niagara Cave.
Other business in brief
• Sheriff John DeGeorge explained they are changing the training program completely for officers. The current use of force method of training is antiquated and ineffective. The new program, which is widely accepted across the state, will rely on grappling, control and position. He requested approval to purchase Resilite Training Mats to use for force/defensive tactics training at a total cost of $4,693.60 which includes shipping and a logo. The mats should last for decades and are under warranty. The purchase was approved as presented.
• DeGeorge reviewed 2022 accomplishments and listed goals for 2023. He requested that the chief deputy’s salary be set at what he determined should be 95% of the average of 2022 chief deputy salaries of similar size counties, plus a 3% cost of living increase, or $104,663 for 2023. DeGeorge then requested his salary be set at what he determined should be 95% of the average of 2022 sheriff salaries of similar size counties, plus a 3 % cost of living increase, or $123,342. No action this day.
• County Attorney Brett Corson reviewed 2022 accomplishments and duties and responsibilities of his office. He determined the range of county attorney salaries in 2022 of similar sized counties to be about $126,500. He added a 4 % cost of living increase, requesting a salary of $132,000 for 2023 based on his experience, duties, and responsibilities. No action was taken.
• The Minnesota Department of Human Services County Contract was approved for 2023. Wanda Berg, Social Services manager, noted the funding will be roughly the same as last year.
• The 2023 Local #49 pay plan was approved.
• Eugene Johnson was hired as part-time bailiff/transport officer, effective December 23.
• Two policies were approved for the budgeting and auditing process as requested by County Administrator Bobbie Hillery. One is called the Unclaimed Property/Uncashed Warrants/Bank Reconciliations Policy. The other is the County Tax Levy Distribution Policy which should simplify the tax levy distribution process.
• Hillery asked that bills associated with the jail pre-design process totaling $189,805.91 be entered as American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) expenses for the federal audit. Her request was approved as presented.
• Appropriations for 2023 were approved.
• Wellness gifts to employees for 2022 were approved. The stocking caps with the county’s logo will cost a total of $1,772.25.
• The annual meeting was set for January 3, 2023, at 9 a.m.
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