The Fillmore County Economic Development Authority (EDA) will host an Agriculture Summit at Eagle Bluff Environmental Learning Center on March 26. This year’s schedule includes presentations on Agricultural Entrepreneurship, Emotional Wellness for Agriculture Families, Succession Planning for Agriculture Business, Investment in Specialty Crops, and Value-Added Agriculture Processes, among others.
“We believe it is important to offer an event that engages ag-based businesses and families in Fillmore County and the neighboring communities, offers resources, and provides real-world examples of success in new and evolving business practices,” said Chris Hahn, EDA Director for Fillmore County.
Agriculture remains the primary economic driver in Fillmore County. The 2017 Census of Agriculture counted over 1,400 farms in the Fillmore County, contributing around $291 million in agricultural products sold. Approximately 32% of all farms represent operations less than 50 acres in size. With more than 375,500 acres dedicated to agriculture in Fillmore County, innovation and process improvements remain a critical piece to the continued success of the agriculture industry, and offer new opportunities and challenges for agriculture-based businesses.
Karen Reisner, President of the Fillmore County EDA, states that “agriculture is one of the two greatest economic drivers in Fillmore County, and it influences almost every aspect of our daily lives. Farmers support many businesses in the county, state, and country. Today’s farming umbrella covers a diverse group of small and large farming operations.”
The Fillmore County Economic Development Authority is inviting agriculture families, businesses, and the general public to attend the Fillmore County Agriculture Summit at Eagle Bluff Environmental Learning Center located at 28097 Goodview Dr., Lanesboro, Minn. 55949 on March 26 from 8:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.. A continental breakfast and snacks will be provided. Sessions will run approximately 25 minutes, with additional contacts, information, and resources on topics to be provided by presenters to take home.
This is a free event; however, pre-registration is requested to estimate the number of attendees. To pre-register, please go to
For more information about the Fillmore County Agriculture Summit, please contact Chris Hahn, Fillmore County EDA Director at (612) 327-9729, or via email at
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