Submitted by Morgan Pickett
The 2015-16 4-H year came to a close on October 15, 2016, with a well-attended awards banquet. The Master of Ceremonies was retiring president Andrew Gathje, who led the group thru a brief federation meeting followed by installation of the newly elected officer team consisting of Tyler Raaen (president), Coltin Wingert (vice president), Taryn Raaen (secretary), Jacob Welch (treasurer), Morgan Pickett (reporter) and Eve Grabau (historian).
Individual, team and club awards and certificates were handed out to many deserving youth and adults. Clubs received recognition for club projects shown at the fair as well as top herdsmanship winners. Recognition was also given to the 2015-2016 Ambassador program, dairy judging and project bowl, general livestock project bowl and horse teams. A multitude of individual people received trophies and awards for county projects records, general project (non-livestock) winners and Gathje received his Federation President’s Award.
One very special award, the Key Award, was handed out on this night to Jackie Apenhorst. This award recognizes youth member for contributions through leadership and service to both club and community. After meeting some basic requirements, an award recipient must complete seven out of nine leadership experiences; examples are holding officer positions, mentoring, and leading community services projects. Thank you Jackie for your dedication to Fillmore County 4-H on so many levels.
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