At the August 27 meeting of the county board, Miranda Wendlandt, CliftonLarsonAllen LLP, reviewed the audit process and financial results for 2023.
The county was granted an unmodified, “clean” opinion, which is the highest level. Total federal awards were $5,093,555 (airport improvement program and COVID state and local fiscal recovery funds were tested). Wendlandt said the county did a good job on federal programs.
The county has three material weaknesses which are generally due to a smaller staff.
The state auditor recommends a minimum of five months of expenditures held in governmental fund balances. In 2023 the balance as a percentage of expenditures was 23%. The state recommends 35 to 50%. Wendlandt noted, if one-time expenditures are pulled out, the county is well within the recommended range of five months.
The audit will be submitted to the federal clearing house and Minnesota OSA (office of the state auditor) by the end of September, the statutory deadline. The audit will be brought back to the next meeting for the board’s approval.
2025 Budget
County administrator Bobbie Hillery reported the health insurance increase for the 2025 budget was much less than expected. A 30% increase was figured into the early budget projections, but the increase came in at 7.65%. This results in a decrease in early budget projections of $469,468.
With these savings, the preliminary 2025 levy increase is now at 5.6%. Hillery will look for some small savings in hopes to get the levy increase below 5%.
This day the Solid Waste, Highway, Airport, Survey, Administration, and other general budgets were reviewed. Every piece of the budget has now been presented for review.
Requested appropriations for 2025 were reviewed, totaling $20,561.40.
Other Business in Brief
- Using funding from the Southeast Minnesota Adult Mental Health Initiative grant, space will be rented on four billboards along major state highways in the county to share information about the 988 mental health hotline, sheriff department and social services. Fillmore County’s grant portion is about $170,000 and is to be used for transportation, housing, and community education. Approval was granted to rent the billboards for one year, using $18,000 of the grant funding.
- A resolution was adopted to approve and to submit the 2023 Fillmore County Solid Waste Plan to the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency. The plan is updated every 10 years and submitted to the PCA for final approval.
- Terry Schultz, building maintenance supervisor, asked for approval of several proposals.
The lower of two bids in the amount of $2,902 submitted by Storelee Cement and Masonry LLC was approved for sidewalk repairs for the courthouse.
Two bids totaling $12,920.68 were approved to replace exterior lights on the outside of the courthouse. Haakenson Electric, Inc. will remove old lights and install the new ones ($2,882). Haley Lighting will provide mounts, fixtures, and bulbs ($10,038.68).
A glass countertop will be installed in the auditor/treasurer’s office. A proposal from Ford Metro, Inc. in the amount of $6,903 was approved including installation.
Two proposals were submitted to replace carpet in Room 108 in the Fillmore County office building. The lower quote from Hiller Commercial Floors in the amount of $6,240.70 was approved. The replacement will be carpet squares so a square can be replaced when damaged.
A proposal from Beckley’s Office Products was approved to replace tables in Room 108 in the office building. Seventeen tables will be replaced at a cost of $10,455. Salvageable tables may be used in the Law Library or offered to the Fair Board.
- The resignation of deputy Brady Meyer was accepted effective September 3 after two years of service.
- The MCIT (Minnesota Counties Intergovernmental Trust) insurance dividend was about $33,000 and will be applied to the Infrastructure Fund and used to cover expenses to send two people to the Annual Safety conference.
- Approval was granted to request proposals to rent the County Farm (about 43 acres).
- A draft of the five-year Capital Improvement Plan for roads was reviewed. The plan is not a commitment but a planning tool and a guide for the department. It will be discussed at the next board meeting after the commissioners have time to study it. The board may then move to schedule a hearing for public comment on the plan.
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