By Hannah Wingert
At the May 23 Fillmore Central School Board meeting, Superintendent Heath Olstad reported that $60,000 in local scholarships had been awarded to seniors this year. He lauded the support that was shown to the graduating class during the recent senior awards ceremony. “The family support, community support, business support, right down the line is incredible,” he said.
Spring concerts have been completed at both schools and were well attended. Falcon Fun Day is set for May 30. Fillmore County Soil & Water once again provided trees to the fifth graders to plant. Field trips are wrapping up for the elementary students and have gone well.
The spring sports season will be wrapping up soon. Congratulations were extended to the boys track and girls track teams as they qualified for State True Team. The girls golf team won conference and the boys team tied for conference title. Over 100 students have signed up for the Strength and Agility program that starts on June 5.
Angi Kaase reported that summer preK will be held during three weeks this summer. The child care center and SAC both have open positions posted.
Resignations from third grade teacher Marit Janssen, Title I teacher Janet Prinsen, ECFE parent educator Laura Burroughs, NHS advisor Gerri Nielsen, second grade teacher Alexa Horihan, and Ag teacher Megan Brown were accepted. Jackie Whitacre and Morgan Knutson were hired for summer school. Jessica Bradt, Cari Ledin, Connie Berg, Sam Martin, Shelby Ristau, Mindy Wolfgram, Tara Corson, and Janeen Wingert were hired for the summer preschool program. Jessica Bradt, Heather Shupe, Heidi Kingsley, Nancy Broadwater, Madison Krage, Daio Mohs, Abby Bothun, Madison Simon, Jillian Tieskotter, Aubrey Larson, and Alyssa Britton were hired for summer SAC. Karen Skretta was hired as the child care center coordinator.
The adult food service prices were set at $3 for breakfast and $5 for lunch. A food service contract with Taher for the 2023-24 school year was approved.
The board reviewed the revised 2022-23 budget and approved it. The district’s property and liability insurance with Minnesota Insurance Scholastic Trust was renewed for the next year. An athletic training service agreement with Mayo Clinic was approved. The board also approved a sports sharing agreement with the Lanesboro and Mabel-Canton school districts for the next school year. A commercial lease with the City of Harmony for a room at the community center was approved. The room is used to teach a life skills class. A resolution was accepted approving the annual MSHSL agreement. A Memo of Understanding with Luther College allowing student teachers to complete their teaching requirements at Fillmore Central was also approved.
Board member Craig Britton noted that it had been a while since a board retreat had taken place and suggested holding one soon. It would allow the board to come up with some strategic goals for the district and bounce ideas off one another without voting on any decisions. The board retreat was set for June 4.
Board member Shelly Topness asked the rest of the board to consider options for what could be done to make the stage gym more tolerable for the students during their concerts. The stage gets overheated and at least one or two students seem to pass out during each concert. She suggested that the facilities committee look into it to see if anything could be done.
The next Fillmore Central school board meeting will be held on June 27 at 6:30 p.m. in the elementary meeting room.
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