At the September 24 Fillmore Central School Board meeting, Heath Olstad updated the board on the Tackle Cancer efforts by staff and families. The total raised was around $10,000. He thanked everyone who worked, provided, participated and donated to the event.
This week is homecoming week, which Olstad noted always includes an extra level of energy from the students. The school year started off positively, and the calendar is coming up on mid-quarter for the first quarter already. The elementary school is in the process of conducting evacuation drills. The elementary back-to-school conferences were well attended again this year. Preliminary testing was added to allow for early identification for Title I needs. The Pyramid Model committee continues to meet to discuss ways to build and grow the school’s PreK program on social emotional learning. The daycare children have been able to enjoy their new fenced-in playground. Many fun adult and youth enrichment programs are available through Community Ed. Multiple jobs openings have been posted for the child care center and ECFE.
Board member Sue Sikkink asked if the continued practice of having students eat breakfast and lunch in their classrooms still allows them a chance to interact with other peers during recess. Olstad assured her that the staggered recess times for different grades does give students the opportunity to do so.
Taryn Cherrier was hired as the head dance coach and Nathan Rindels as a SPED para. A resignation from SPED para Cassidy Canterbury was accepted.
A foster care transportation agreement with Fillmore County was approved for this school year. A Memorandum of Understanding was accepted for a two-year agreement with Semcac.
The board approved the maximum amount for the 2025 levy as the due date for its initial approval is October 1. The amount may be changed until the truth-in-taxation meeting in December, which is when the final amount will be approved.
The district’s former COVID-19 protocol was changed to treat it like any other flu or cold situation. Students must be fever/vomiting free for 24 hours without the assistance of fever reducing medication, and symptoms must be improving before they can return to school. Superintendent Olstad had spoken with multiple other area school districts and they were all adopting similar protocols this year.
The list of advisors at the high school for the 2024-25 school year was approved with Deb Ristau abstaining.
The board reviewed the revised budget with Taher. Food service director Emily Kiehne is now sharing a contract with another school district so the budget has decreased due to her reduced hours on-site at Fillmore Central.
An open enrollment request was approved.
The first informational meeting to discuss the November 2024 operating levy referendum took place on September 18 with good conversation and questions from the public. Two similar meetings will be held in October.
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