At the August 27 Fillmore Central School Board meeting, Principal Heath Olstad gave a report on the upcoming school year. The high school open house will be held on August 28. At that time, students along with their parents will be able to see the new renovations and updates at the high school. The football field is almost finished although the lights aren’t up yet so the game on August 30 was moved to 5 p.m. The first day of school for both the elementary and high school will be on September 3 with back-to-school conferences being held at the elementary school during the first two days of school. There are currently 320 students enrolled in grades kindergarten through sixth grade, which is down from 346 last year. Principal Olstad will have enrollment numbers for the high school available at the September board meeting. Seventy-six students are registered for football, 75 for volleyball, 16 for cross-country, and 13 for cheerleading. Five new teachers will be starting this year, two at the elementary school and three in the high school. “I’m very excited about the new staff,” Principal Olstad said. The Special Education Advisory Committee held it’s annual summer family event on August 19, which was well-attended.
A resignation from paraprofessional Chad Sexton was approved. The board also approved a termination for a daycare employee. Morgan Knutson was hired as a high school science and ALP teacher, 504 coordinator, and PSEO supervisor. Devan Iddings was hired as a 5th/6th grade special education teacher, Tris Tollefson as an elementary Title I teacher, Connie Lindstrom as a resource teacher, Emily Moger as a paraprofessional, Tamara Gorter as lead teacher in the 4/5 daycare room, and Melanie Kath as lead float position in the daycare. The list of activity sponsors for 2019-2020 was approved as well as the non-certified staff assignments. Several open enrollment requests were approved, which included an interstate request.
The board reviewed and approved a quote for two refrigerators from Rochester Restaurant Supply for the high school concession stand and the football field concession stand. School van #18 needs to be replaced as it will expire in December. Superintendent Richard Keith recommended that the board approve a quote from Nelson Auto for a 2020 AWD Ford transit van. While the old van cannot be used to transport students, it can be used for staff transportation and for Driver’s Ed training. The purchase was approved.
The van driver pay schedule was revised to bring it into compliance with pay equity regulations. The district’s Restrictive Procedures Plan was approved as well as the board goals for 2019-2020. The goals address school readiness, third-grade literacy, closing achievement gaps, college and career readiness, and high school graduation.
The Truth in Taxation meeting will be held at 6:01 p.m. on December 19. The regular board meeting will immediately follow. The next school board meeting will be in the elementary meeting room on September 24 at 6:30 p.m.
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