Fillmore Central School Board approved moving forward with creating an Alternative Learning Program at a school board meeting held February 28, 2017. The decision came after reviewing current programs at Fillmore Central and seeing a need for an educational program that will meet the needs of students who are struggling to receive high school credits within the traditional model.
Fillmore Central’s Alternative Learning Program (ALP) is an option for students and families who are behind credit at Fillmore Central. The program enrolls sophomore students on up to students under the age of 21. The ALP’s purpose is to provide students an opportunity to earn a high school diploma in a supportive, safe, and motivating environment that encourages self-motivating learning in a non-traditional setting.
The ALP is located in Fillmore Central’s High School building. Each student enrolled will have a Continual Learning Plan (CLP) created by staff, parent(s), and student so that all needs and barriers to an education are addressed. The learning design at the ALP can be one of many. The students will have options of online classes, face-to-face classes in the ALP classroom, regular education courses, work-based learning opportunities and work experience to enhance their learning experience.
The students have daily access to a mental health professional trained in trauma, chemical dependency, and mental health challenges. Students have full access to regular education classes including College In the School courses, extra curricular activities, technology and the facilities.
The ALP is also a credit recovery option for Fillmore Central High School students that are behind in graduation requirements. The ALP program may be a nine-month program, summer program or a year around program depending on the enrolled students needs.
This is an exciting option for Fillmore Central School and Fillmore Central students starting the 2017-2018 school year. Inquiries regarding Fillmore Central Alternative Learning Program can be made by contacting Principal Heath Olstad.
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