At the September 27 Fillmore Central School Board meeting, Superintendent Heath Olstad announced that the school year was off to a great start. The elementary students continue to have lunch and breakfast in their classrooms and a salad bar was added for grades 3-6. The back-to-school conferences for grades K-6 were well attended by students and parents. A project was completed recently to install cameras on all of the school buses. Board member Aaron Bishop asked how bussing was going so far. Heath noted that while there are always a few hiccups over the first couple of days, everything was going smoothly now. The late bus from the high school to the elementary is appreciated by high school families who live in or near Preston. Olstad will be taking about 15 students to a career day opportunity. The annual college fair will also be taking place soon. Around 25-30 juniors are interested in the PSAT which will be given on October 12.
Angi Kaase reported that One Block at a Time won the 2022 Best of the Best award in the daycare category from the Fillmore County Journal.
Recently, two skylights in the elementary hallway began leaking when it rained. As they hadn’t leaked prior to the roof project, Schwickert’s came back in and caulked the skylights for a temporary fix and will return during MEA weekend to repair them at their cost.
Resignations were accepted from paraprofessionals Ashley Bothun and Rylie Gatzke, coach Alex Peterson, and daycare employee Joanne Peterson. Shelly Topness was hired as the 9th grade volleyball coach, Samantha Bratland as the head softball coach, Ashley Himli as the dance coach, Elisha Himli as the volunteer dance coach, and Jerad Soppa as a full-time custodian. Sonia Himli was hired as a media center aide, Tatum Whalen as a SPED paraprofessional, Alex Lange as the 8th grade advisor, Gerri Nielson as the National Honor Society advisor, Coy Pederson as the Jr High Knowledge Bowl advisor, and Samantha Bratland as the assistant yearbook advisor. Bratland will be taking over as the lead advisor in that position during the next school year.
The board reviewed and approved the sample ballot for the upcoming school board election. A Minnesota State High School League or MSHSL resolution was passed allowing the district to apply for a Form A Grant to offset student activity fees.
The graduate credit reimbursement and salary schedule lane changes were reviewed and approved. Certified staff members are reimbursed for approved or required graduate work at a rate of $60 per credit hour for a total of up to $240. Ten requests for graduate credit reimbursement have been received this year along with five requests for salary schedule lane changes. It was noted that it was nice to see so many staff members continuing their education.
The proposed 2023 levy was approved at the maximum amount. Olstad noted that the amount can be changed at the Truth-in-Taxation meeting in December when the final decision is made on the levy.
A number of open enrollment requests were approved.
Olstad reported that he had met with the vocational committee and that they are looking at the possibility of attaching an additional vocational workshop/classroom to the existing on. If the plan goes ahead, work will most likely begin in the early spring. “The space is going to be utilized in an excellent manner,” Olstad said. The total project cost is estimated to be about $1.5 million. Between 35-40% of that will more than likely come from the remaining ESSER funds that the school has available.
The annual blood drive at the high school will take place on November 3.
The next Fillmore Central School Board meeting will be held on October 25 at 7 a.m. in the elementary meeting room.
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