Fillmore Central High School’s chapter of the National Honor Society would like to announce the selection of the following students for membership to our local Chapter.
Seniors: Daysha Erickson, and Joseph Lange
Juniors: Kelsey Biel, Taylor Bushman, Hailey Heins-Lange, Elizabeth Jones, Krista Jorgenson
These students join current National Honor Society members, seniors Katrina Bergey, Emily Mock, Katelin Prinsen, Hannah Rolfs, Madison Scheevel and Maddie Smith.
To be eligible for membership consideration, students must be in either their junior or senior years, have a cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 3.00 and submit a membership application. Additionally, potential members must meet high standards of leadership, service, and character. From the information provided by the applicants and experience gained while working with applicants, the Faculty Council chooses new members for the society.
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