Dean of Students Chris Mensink updated the Fillmore Central School board on the Action 100 Initiative at their regular board meeting on October 25. The program has been well received by the teachers, students, and parents, and great progress has been made implementing it.
The new parking lot at the high school in Harmony is well under way and almost completed. The contractors are scheduled to finish the paving in the next couple of weeks and then paint stripes on the lot. The parking lot will be open in time for the winter sports season.
During the early stages of construction, a tile line was discovered that was later found to be a sanitary service line with no outlet. The completion of the parking lot was delayed so the school can run a new sanitary service line from the building to the city main line under the street. Quotes are being obtained for the work needed.
The second readings of board policy 506 and the new board policy on service animals in school were approved.
Taylor Vrieze was hired as a paraprofessional in the high school building for 6.75 hours per day. Sheldon Kinneberg was hired as a long-term substitute custodian for the elementary school.
Maternity leaves were approved for high school art teacher Carrie Mathison and high school science teacher Julia Olstad.
The winter coaches were hired and included Andrew Pederson for B-squad boys basketball, Tris Tollefson for 9th grade boys basketball, Jeffrey Dick for 8th grade boys basketball, Aaron Janssen for 7th grade boys basketball, Levi Olstad for 9th grade girls basketball, John O’Connor for B-squad girls basketball, Eric Breitsprecher for 9th grade girls basketball, Ethan Lapham for 8th grade girls basketball, Courtney Matzek for 7th grade girls basketball, Paul Snell for the wrestling assistant, and Alan LaFleur for C wrestling.
Additional hours were approved for paraprofessionals Tara Morem, Jen Lindstrom, Shelly Wahl, Kayla Carroll, Sam Martin, Sam Peck, Heidi Kingsley, Nancy Broadwater, and Kelly Biel for the days they drive van routes.
Only one quote was received for snow removal at the Preston building and none for the high school in Harmony. The board approved the quote from TNT Lawn Services for Preston and will continue to look for a service for snow removal in Harmony.
Two quotes for lawn mowing services in Preston and Harmony were received. The lower quote from TNT Lawn Services was accepted.
The old section of the high school has two stained glass windows that were recently damaged. A quote to repair the windows was $4,800. Superintendent Richard Keith recommended replacing the stained glass windows with a new double pan window and donating the originals as is to the Harmony Historical Society. The board approved his suggestion.
The Falcon Scholar Club Awards Ceremony will be held on Thursday, November 17 at 9:10 a.m.
The One and Done fundraiser has been completed and was a success.
The vision and hearing screenings were completed on October 12. The district thanked Fillmore County Public Health, Carol Johns, Cindy Ofstedal, Marietta Buchholz, Laura Armstrong, Diane Hadoff, Tracy Gulbranson, Joanie Johnson, Coleen Carlson, Heather Stockdale, Sandy Amundson, and Cheryl Schumacher for volunteering at the screenings. Thanks were also extended to Brenda Ristau for coordinating the event.
The next Fillmore Central School Board meeting will be held at 7 p.m. on November 22 in the high school media center.
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