Fillmore Central graduate Taryn Raaen attended the November 26 Fillmore Central School Board meeting to discuss the lack of accessibility to the weight room. She pointed out that the school is not ADA compliant because of the stairs leading to the weight room. Raaen suggested that it be moved to the stage area in the old gym and the theater department be moved into its own auditorium in the lot that the school owns across the street.
Principal Heath Olstad reported that American Education Week was November 11-15. “A special thanks to the Fillmore Central staff whose efforts keep our school one of the best in southeastern Minnesota,” he said.
Dean of Students Chris Mensink thanked emcee Ron Scheevel, music teacher Mr. Patterson and the fourth through sixth grade singers as well as the sixth grade readers Xander Johnson, Lillyan Kiehne, Elianna Cassman, Teahya Toney, Brennus Braaten, and Taylor Saunders for their participation in the Veterans Day program. Thanks were also extended to the veterans for their service.
The One & Done fundraiser raised $10,095.33 total in profit. Zach Krage took first place in the spelling bee, Audra Otto took second, and Tori Raaen came in third. Zach and Audra will represent Fillmore Central at the regional spelling bee in February.
The parent/teacher conferences on November 7 were well attended with 322 out of 325 students represented. The school was able to purchase 180 new books for the school library with funds from the Scholastic Book Fair. Thanks were extended to Tonya Keim, Diane Hadoff, Nancy Byrne, Nancy Dahly, Marie Hjelmeland, Ingrid Lanseth, Denise Paulson, Cheryl Schumacher, Colleen Carlson, Becky Brown Ferden, Joanie Johnson, Sandy Amundson, Charlene Mensink and Jill Eerdmans for running the fair.
Resignations were received from daycare employee Katie Lobland, paraprofessional Sandi Lange, custodian Michael Pugh, and daycare employee Amy Means. A maternity leave was approved for first grade teacher Kaitlyn Steichen. Ryder Witte was hired as a custodian, Steve Lindstrom as the eighth grade girls basketball coach, Brittany Payne and Brandy Pettelko as paraprofessionals, Alissa Bauman as the child care director, Sherrie Agrimson as a daycare teacher assistant, Katie Lobland as the certified food manager for the daycare, and Emily Moger as a SAC employee. Chris Morem was approved as the boys basketball coach, Ashley Himli as a dance coach, and Bill Ferrie as a wrestling coach.
The World’s Best Workforce annual report was reviewed and approved.
Three open enrollment requests were approved for a kindergarten and a ninth grade student from Mabel-Canton and a ninth grade student from Kingsland to attend Fillmore Central.
The Minnesota School Board Association recently released a model policy for service animals in the school. Fillmore Central already has a policy in place, but made several changes in it to align with the model policy. The first reading of policy 535 was approved.
The purchase of a skid steer snow blade in the amount of $3,100 from Hammell Equipment was approved as well as the purchase of two roof-top exhaust fans for the high school in the amount of $4,831 from Kingsley Mercantile. The board discussed the possibility of purchasing new wrestling room wall mats that would meet the current fire code regulations. Three quotes were received for the purchase, but the lowest one did not quote a price specifically for fire resistant mats. The matter was tabled until the next meeting.
A revision to the budget was reviewed. The costs for the high school secure entrance project and the football field renovation were higher than originally expected and so Superintendent Richard Keith recommended increasing the high school project budget from $700,000.00 to $1,900,00.00 and the football field project from $440,000.00 to $950,000.00. The board approved the budget revisions.
The next Fillmore Central school board meeting will be held on December 19 at 6:01 p.m. in the elementary meeting room.
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