At the October 22 Fillmore Central School Board meeting, Kali Olstad from Smith & Shafer presented the audit report for 2018-19. Olstad reported an unmodified, clean opinion for the audit. The average daily membership currently stands at 616 students. “These numbers are what drive your funding,” Olstad noted. For 2018-19, the district showed 9.6 million in revenues which is up from 9.4 million in the previous year. “The property tax levy has remained consistent over the years,” Olstad said. She pointed out that the largest portion of the school’s expenses is spent on the regular instruction category. “Which means you’re spending your money on your students,” she explained, adding that the district’s costs and revenue are in line with other similarly sized districts. The board approved the audit report as read.
Dean of Students Chris Mensink reported that a little over $10,000 was raised for field trips, band, choir, etc. through the One and Done fundraiser. The school is still in need of a girls eighth grade basketball coach.
Approximately 35 high school juniors have signed up for the upcoming college fair at RCTC, and 10 attended the Mayo Clinic Health Fair. Twenty-five students took the PSAT exam. “We highly recommend it if students are planning to attend a four-year college,” Principal Heath Olstad commented.
Superintendent Richard Keith presented a list of donations received by the district from July to September totaling $36,257.37. The donations were approved by the board.
Resignations were accepted from high school custodian Traci Bigalk and School Readiness and SAC worker Amanda Heibel. Joanie Johnson was hired as the long-term substitute for Sheila Goetzke, Chad Danielson as high school custodian, Jacque Ryan as the teacher assistant in the 3/4 preschool room, Natasha Ryan as the teacher assistant in the 4/5 preschool room, and Brianna Meyer as SAC teacher. Erik Bengston, Monty Holm, Jason Hovey, and Adam Daniels were approved as volunteer wrestling coaches. Sarah O’Connell and Sara Xavier were hired to share the academic competition for middle school math. Kelly Duff and Jolene Nelson were approved as Action 100 coaches. Tanna Farnsworth was hired as the new adult enrichment coordinator.
Open enrollment applications from three students to attend Fillmore Central were approved. One is coming from Mabel-Canton, one from Kingsland, and the other from Dover-Eyota.
The Pre-K teacher assistant pay scale was reviewed and approved as well as the certified teacher seniority list.
Two quotes were received for the baseball backstop and side fencing for the new ball field in Harmony. The low quote from Sutherland Fence in the amount of $19,272 was approved.
A transfer of $2,550 from the Milk Assistance Fund to the Milk Break Revenue account was approved.
The second reading of some of the board policies was approved and included policy 414 regarding mandated reporting of child neglect or physical or sexual abuse, 415 regarding mandated reporting of maltreatment of vulnerable adults, 516 regarding student medication, 534 regarding unpaid meal charges, 601 regarding school district curriculum and instruction goals, 603 regarding curriculum development, 616 regarding school district system accountability, 620 regarding credit for learning, and 721 regarding uniform grant guidance pertaining to federal revenue sources.
The next Fillmore Central School Board meeting will be held on November 26 at 6:30 p.m. in Harmony.
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