At their January 22 meeting, the Fillmore Central School Board approved the official appointments, assignments, and designations for 2018. Ross Kiehne was appointed as chairperson, Craig Britton as vice-chairperson, Deb Ristau as clerk, Jim Love as vice-clerk, and Sue Sikkink as treasurer.
There were no changes made to the annual board salaries and they remained at $1,440 for the chairperson, $1,080 for the vice chairperson, clerk, vice-clerk, and director. The treasurer will continue to be paid $1,350 annually, and extra meetings will be $25 each.
Board members Emily Ellis-Onsager and Shelly Topness will serve on the Community Education committee, Britton on the Continuing Education committee, Britton, Kiehne, and Love on the Facility Focus committee; Sikkink on the System Accountability committee, and Britton, Kiehne, and Love on the Vendor Negotiations committee. Sikkink and Topness were appointed to the Meet and Confer committee, Kiehne, Sikkink, and Topness to the Negotiations committee; Ellis-Onsager and Love to the Policy committee, Britton and Ellis-Onsager to the Curriculum committee, Kiehne, Ristau, and Sikkink to the Budget committee; Kiehne and Love to the Technology committee, and Ristau to the Staff Development committee. Ristau will serve as the Minnesota School Board Association liaison, and Britton as the MSHSL/Three-Rivers Conference board representative. Ellis-Onsager will sit on the Special Education Advisory Council, and Ristau and Sikkink on the Extra-curricular advisory committee.
The First SE Bank of Harmony, First State Bank of Fountain, F & M Bank of Preston, and the Minnesota School District Liquid Asset Fund were set as the official depositories for the district. The official newspapers are the Fillmore County Journal and the Fillmore County News Leader. The radio stations for school closings are KQYB, KFIL, KROC, KNXR, and the tv channels are KTTC, KAAL, and the Harmony and Preston local cable channels. The official school district legal council will continue to be Knutson, Flynn, & Deans. Official school notices will be posted in the elementary office, district office, and high school office. Kathy Whalen, Darla Ebner, and Richard Keith were given the authority to wire transfer funds and purchase certificates of deposit. The regular school board meetings will continue to be held on the fourth Tuesday of each month at 6:30 p.m.
Principal Heath Olstad wished to recognize the one-act play team on their recent accomplishment of being named the Three-Rivers Conference champion. Resignations from elementary paraprofessional Rhonda Frisch, daycare teacher’s assistant Jessica Koenig, and custodian Peyton Breitsprecher were approved by the board. Daron Wiltgen was hired as a long-term substitute for Kelly Duff during her maternity leave and Sydnie Huffman as the teacher assistant in the daycare toddler room.
Blaise Sass was approved as a volunteer coach for the wrestling program, Tris Tollefson as head softball coach, Keith Larson as the head baseball coach, Brad Holten as the head boys golf coach, and Aaron Mensink as the head girls golf coach.
The board reviewed quotes received for a commercial steamer for the high school kitchen. The quote for the Vulcan steamer from Rochester Restaurant Supply was approved.
Quotes were received from Daktronics and NEVCO for a new football scoreboard. The board approved the quote from Daktronics in the amount of $41,070 for the purchase.
A total of $40,000 in donations were accepted with gratitude from the board for the purchase of a new football scoreboard. $15,000 was donated from the Harmony Area Community Foundation, $20,000 from the Fillmore Central Booster Club, and $5,000 from the Fillmore Central Youth Football.
The school has been having ongoing issues with its entry door access equipment over the last couple of years due to obsolete equipment. The quotes for to upgrade it came to $4,087.57 for the elementary school and $7,125.24 for the high school. The board approved the quotes.
The February board meeting will be moved to at 7 a.m. on February 27 due to possible conflicts with basketball playoffs.
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