Chatfield Police Department
Jason Scott Schwartz, 45, Elgin, Minn., 12/4/2024, Speeding (41/30), Fine $50, Total Fees $135. 12/4/2024, No Proof of Insurance – Driver, Fine $200.
Fillmore County Sheriff’s Office
Christopher Michael Anderson, 39, Preston, Minn., 7/29/2024, Domestic Assault, Fine/Total Fees $50. Local Confinement – 90 days (stay 88 days for one year). Credit for time served: two days. Community work service – 20 hours for one year. Supervised probation for one year – Conditions (2/24/2025): Sign Probation Agreement, Contact with probation, Follow all instructions of probation, Follow all Conditions set forth in the Probation Agreement, Sign releases of information as directed., Remain law-abiding, No same or similar, Chemical dependency evaluation/treatment, Follow recommendations of evaluation, No alcohol/controlled substance use including THC (with the exception of prescribed medications), No possession of alcohol or drugs, including THC (with the exception of prescribed medications), Do not enter bars or liquor stores or establishment that sells THC, Submit to Chemical Testing – at the request of a peace officer or probation agent to prove the defendant is not using alcohol, THC, or controlled substance, Cooperate with the search of person, residence, vehicle, workplace, property, and things as directed by probation officer, Follow all state and federal criminal laws, Contact probation officer as directed, Tell probation officer within 72 hours if charged with any new crime, if change address, employment, or telephone number, and/or if have contact with law enforcement, Do not use or possess firearms, ammunition, or explosives, Random testing, Aftercare – complete aftercare programming as directed, No assault, aggressive, threatening, assaultive, Submit to random searches.
Domanick Mitchell Bushman, 27, Wykoff, Minn., 12/11/2024, Driving After Revocation, Fine $200, Total Fees $285.
Aydan Scott Koch, 19, Rochester, Minn., 12/14/2024, Duty to Drive With Due Care – Speed Greater Than Reasonable, Fine $40, Total Fees $125.
Cooper Dean Ristau, 19, Harmony, Minn., 2/18/2025, Speeding (39/30), Fine $40, Total Fees $125.
Houston County Sheriff’s Office
Kathleen Anne Duerwachter, 62, La Crescent, Minn., 12/6/2024, Third Degree Driving While Under the Influence of Alcohol, Fine $400, Total Fees $500. Local Confinement – 364 days (stay 363 days for two years). Credit for time served: one day. Supervised probation for two years – Conditions (2/25/2025): Sign Probation Agreement – as directed by agent – contact Minnesota Department of Corrections to make an appointment with agent after sentencing – cooperate with interstate transfer and rules regarding out of state travel (if applicable) – follow standard and special conditions of probation, Remain law-abiding and be of good behavior, No mood-altering chemicals – that the defendant abstain from the use and possession of all mood altering chemicals including alcohol (except those prescribed by a licensed physician and those should be taken only in the amount and dosages prescribed and unless approved by my agent), Complete Chemical Assessment – defendant has completed and provided correspondence regarding the recommendations to the prosecutor – defendant will sign releases necessary to provide the Chemical Use Assessment to their agent – defendant will follow the recommendations of a chemical use assessment of the type and nature to be determined by the Minnesota Department of Correction, Alcohol monitor – pursuant to this agreement defendant agrees an Ignition Interlock System must be installed on any vehicle she operates – the device must meet the standards described in Minnesota Statute 171.306 at all times unless/until she is discharged from probation – defendant will complete thirty consecutive days on electronic alcohol monitoring to be arranged with probation agent, Attend MADD Impact Panel – defendant has already completed a MADD Victim Impact Panel and shared the certificate of completion with the prosecutor, No same or similar.
Eli Scott Hagen, 32, Caledonia, Minn., 1/29/2025, Speeding – Exceed Limit 55 mph Where Appropriate (65/55), Fine $40, Total Fees $115.
Jennifer Michelle Kulish, 41, Spring Grove, Minn., 1/17/2025, Operate Vehicle With Expired Registration, Fine $30, Total Fees $105.
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