By Tommy Thorson
Ostrander, MN
Mr. Erding is a brave man. With all of the people attacking him, it is amazing he keeps trying!
Regarding Kathie Haynes’ article in the FCJ on Monday, May 18, 2020, I will respond to only one issue: her #2) Medicare for all. “Facts” are easy to produce: just decide what you want to prove, then eliminate anything that proves you wrong!
Name one program that Washington has that works as promised, or that costs what we were promised. Remember Social Security? Most today are too young to remember all of the promises – guarantees – made to, “We, the People,” when this unconstitutional, but very successful progam was ceated. Then, in 1964 Congress stole the money. They have been stealing it ever since, under every administration. Only Ronald Reagan tried to return the money to the private accounts guaranteed by Congress when the program was created. Today’s politicians believe our Social Security money belongs to Washington. The program is, in actuality, bankrupt. Unofficially, its future is in constant doubt.
Remember “Obamacare”? Every single promise made regarding “The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act” – a.k.a. Obamacare, turned out to be a lie, including the cost! Nine hundred fifty billion dollars a year, we were promised. The cost had exceeded 2 1/2 trillion BEFORE the program went into effect. There were people who had insurance, whisch acutally covered them before Obamacare, but effectively had none after. We heard many stories like my wife’s. Prior to Obamacare my wife’s insurance cost $125.00 a month, and she had great coverage. She had a reasonable co-pay for doctors’ visits, and for medicines. She had a pay-down of around $2,500.00 before her major medical kicked in. After Obamacare, which she was forced onto, but had been promised she would not, her insurance costs over $1,100.00 a month, and covers nothing! She no longer has a co-pay for doctors and/or medicines. She now has to pay 100%. Her spend-down, post Obamacare is over $8,000.00 a year. She has insurance on paper, and pays for it, but in effect now has none.
Washington has eliminated several monopolies over the years, because they eventually become too expensive, and unaccountable to their customers. They even elininated one very effective, very good monopoly once: lovingly known as Ma Bell. But Washington wants to force a monopoly on us as regards to our health care. Medicare for all? It will happen, and the time “We, the People” figure out we have been had, it will be too late.
We can support President Trump, or oppose him. That is one of the great privileges of being a citizen of the United States of America! We can be a Democrat, or a Republican, a conservative, or a liberal, but no one should give away his or her ability to think, and to reason. Have sound, honest reasons to support, or to oppose our President. And, stop insulting those who do support him, and who try to present honest, reasonable arguments. The President is not always right; no President has always been right about everything. None has always handled every issue correctly, even when right.
But every President is stil the President for a time. At least we now have a President who loves our country, and who tries to protect it from our enemies, and who tries to improve thelives of everyone, not just those who support him. It is possible to be honest about all of President Trump’s successes, and still oppose him!
Donald Bell says
You are mistaken in stating that social security is unconstitutional. It was declared constitutional by the Supreme Court in 1937,not%20contravene%20the%2010th%20Amendment.
Donald Bell says
You are mistaken in stating that social security is unconstitutional. It was declared constitutional by the Supreme Court in 1937
Herbert Panko says
I don’t know you, Mr. Thorson, but based on your post I can only conclude that your lack of knowledge and understanding of American history is appalling and shameful. I can’t imagine having an intelligent conversation with someone who has so little knowledge in this area so I won’t even try.
Herb Panko
Greg Rendahl says
Tommy, I could name several government programs that have generally worked quite well. How about subsidized housing? Government grants to small towns, Interstate highway system, Pell grants, Head start, GI bill, food stamps, Earned income tax credit, National Institute of Health research, hundreds of various ag programs,…Trump is currently fighting in court to end the best feature of Obamacare, coverage for pre-existing conditions, and republicans have never come up with a replacement idea. We the people…in Order to form a more perfect Union,.. promote the general Welfare…It seems to me that conservatives don’t much care for the Preamble to the Constitution. For goodness sake, we need to keep promoting the general welfare, because we are still far from a perfect union. Tommy, your last paragraph makes no sense to me. Trump only loves himself and the Stock Market. Since Trump is insisting that his republican convention rally be held in a totally packed building, he obviously cares nothing about the health of his own supporters. Trump has no “successes” for the average person. He cut taxes for the wealthy and increased our nations debt by trillions. Now, with the current recession/depression, government must spend even more to keep us out of a long-term depression. Trump, republicans, and the Federalist Society have packed the courts with corporate-loving, wealth-loving judges that will plague us for decades. Trump has made enemies of our friends, he has damaged both the short-term outlook for farmers, but also the long-term with his dispute with China. China knows now that America is not a reliable trading partner. China will increasingly work with other nations for their agricultural needs. Trump’s handling of Covid has been horrendous, and now he once again plays to his white base in hopes of stirring up more racial animosity. Trump is the worst President in American history and clearly his only god is Mammon.