Conservative people are pragmatists; results and production oriented. If the crops aren’t growing, we analyze what’s wrong and fix it. If the construction project we are on has an activity that’s not on track, we get it fixed before all the other activities suffer. We are this way because we must be. We live in a world where the rubber meets the road. We embrace new technology and ideas that work. If an idea is impractical, we discard it and find something that will work. Don’t come to us with a problem and expect only sympathy for how you “feel.” We are problem solvers. We won’t keep trying the same failing method and expect a different result. Liberal Democrats see things much differently.
My purpose is not to bash liberals, but to analyze for the reader the results of Liberal thought and policies. Liberal Democrat policies have dominated in Minnesota (and most large American cities) for many years, making it possible for us to accurately evaluate them. As a person who voted a straight Democrat ticket for most of my life, I share the responsibility for the current situation.
• Family Life. Birth to a single parent family is the most accurate indicator of a future life of poverty. Nearly every demographic has experienced much higher rates of illegitimate birth. African Americans are well over 70%, Whites are near 50%.
• Educational Dysfunction. Our public school systems have become a nightmare of discipline issues, with liberal policies that insist on race based quotas rather than based on behavior. Teachers are hamstrung by their inability to maintain order and often unfairly accused of racist behavior.
• Open Borders. American prisons, schools, and welfare systems are overwhelmed by illegal aliens, costing taxpayers billions.
• National Debt. While Republicans share responsibility, Mr. Obama ran on a platform that the 10 trillion dollar debt was “shameful and irresponsible” and promised to cut it, then managed to double it in eight years. Wow.
• Trade and foreign relations. America has been mistreated for years. Why are we paying 75% of the costs to protect our NATO partners? Why have we been victimized by unfair trade practices such as NAFTA?
• Social Security. Democrats voted to move it to the General fund, tax benefits, give proceeds to people who never contributed, and raid it to fund other programs.
The office of Attorney General in Minnesota has been held by Liberal Democrats for 50 years. The AG in Minnesota answers to no one and wields lots of power. Time for a change. Do we want a Governor in Minnesota who spent several non-productive years in Congress and flip-flops on the second amendment based on pandering to metro voters? Do we want a Senator whose main qualification is former CEO of Planned Parenthood? (They chalked up over six thousand abortions in Minnesota last year. She supports increased taxpayer funding.) Do we want a Liberal representative in SE Minnesota who will vote to increase the size of Government, weaken property rights, and destroy the Second Amendment? No thanks. Let’s reelect a proven leader who has delivered for our area time and again, supports unions, and will defend our Constitution.
Any objective person will give the Socialist Liberal Democrats and their policies an emphatic “F.” We must look at results, not support ill-conceived ideas that only work in theory but fail miserably in practice.
God Bless until next time,
M.A.W. says
Dear Mr. Erding,
For quite sometime now, us Fillmore County residents have read your squawks about politics. Sometimes local, sometimes regional, sometimes state and sometimes federal. But something us residents have never seen you do is actually – well anything. What do you do, Mr. Erding? Other than complain, preach, judge everyone and claim to know everything? I’m asking quite honestly. Have you ever gotten involved in any politics officially? Do you even attend city council meetings or school board meetings locally? You certainly spend a lot of time criticizing our government – whether it’s local or national – and zero time actually being productive. If you don’t like something, get involved and change it. Whiners, complainers, assumption makers and dishonest persons have never made a good difference in this world.
Hoping God blesses you always. Going to church on Sunday doesn’t get you much if you don’t live your life right and to the best of His word every day. Something to think about, Mr. Erding.
Aaron Bishop says
Greetings Jeff Erding,
What source did you use for your unmarried births percentages? And, could you put into detail how the Obama administration added to the debt? What were the reasons, and what were the results in terms of GDP growth and economic stability?
George says
Put down the bottle.