To the Editor,
Extreme pro-abortion legislation in New York and other states has shocked much of the country. But did you know that, even here in Minneosta, the law currently allows abortion at any time during pregnancy and for any reason? There is no legal limit in effect. This is an extreme policy wildly out-of-step with the view of most Americans and most Minnesotans.
That’s why the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act (HF 1312 and SF 1609) is so important. This bill would protect pain-capable unborn children by prohibiting elective abortions after 20 weeks post conception, when a large body of scientific evidence shows that babies can feel real pain. Abortion at this stage is brutal and painful, and these children deserve our protection.
Please urge your legislators, Rep. Greg Davids Office # 651-296-9278, address 283 St. Office Building St. Paul, Minn. 55155, email, and Sen. Jeremy R. Miller Office # 651-296-5649, address 95 University Ave. W. MN Sen. Bldg, Room 3107 St. Capitol, St. Paul, Minn. 55155, email, to vote in favor of this mainstream, compassionate piece of legisation.
Eleanore Jones
Spring Valley, Minn.
Ruth says
I am surprised that here, in Minnnesota, they have abortions up to nine months. This not only is dangerous for the unborn child but the mother as well. Mothers have died from late-term abortions.
Thomas E.H. says
//Mothers have died from late-term abortions//
Women have died from being prevented from having an abortion after the fetus is determined to be dead and wasted. Typically the mother already faces death in the extraordinarily rare circumstances of abortions at 9 months.
By definitions that are relevant, an abortion is terminal for the unborn.
Doc says
“This not only is dangerous for the unborn child…” kind of goes without saying, doesn’t it? The only reason an abortion is performed after the fetus could survive outside of the womb is if it is dead and killing the mother. The idea of aborting a healthy fetus at this point just to kill it isn’t rooted in reality and is the stuff of propaganda television and websites.