The community of Harmony will host its tenth Empty Bowls event this fall on Sunday, November 10 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Empty Bowls is an International Project to fight hunger. Bowls created by local potters and artisans are used to serve a simple meal of soup and bread. Guests/diners choose a bowl for the meal, which they then take home afterwards. Money collected from the event will go to the Fillmore County Food Shelf in Preston.
Individuals can get involved by donating their time and talents, and/or attending the event. We encourage local organizations and businesses to support the Empty Bowls Project as well and will be reaching out in the coming months. If you have any questions or would like to get involved, please contact Amy Holmgren at (507) 402-9507 or We welcome additional volunteers, whether from Harmony or the surrounding communities.
Stay tuned for further information and thank you for your support of this event!
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