Photo by Wanda Hanson
The Lanesboro School Board heard at their regular November 13 meeting that the long-awaited new electric school buses will be delivered in July. The buses will come at zero expense to the school. Using a rebate program, the school will purchase the two buses and receive a $690,000 rebate on them and the chargers. The school was responsible for the installation of the electrical service and chargers. The two chargers, installation and infrastructure cost $9,000 each. The sale of an old bus will cover those expenses. The school will also receive money from the state since they will not be paying taxes on the buses which would normally be part of the rebate.
Board member Steve Snyder shared his concern that the school needed to make sure they wouldn’t incur more expenses if they inevitably decided to build a new bus garage in a couple years. He wanted to make sure the infrastructure would be able to be used where it was now being installed and not need an expensive move at that time.
Superintendent Matt Schultz replied that the new transformers and chargers were being installed right by the existing light pole. He opined that the school would most likely replace the cold storage area of the bus garage and keep the heated shop area as is. The new transformers should be able to stay by the pole. At most he thought they might have to pour new concrete bases for the chargers later if they built a new garage.
Election Canvass
The school board approved a resolution canvassing the results of the recent election and authorized the issuance of certificates of election. The top three vote getters were Sarah Peterson, Lucas Bergo and Mark Holmen; these three will claim positions on the school board in January when the new terms for the board members begin.
Superintendent Report
In his superintendent report, Matt Schultz told of many activities of the Lanesboro students. The ninth grade girls as well as some of the older girls attended a Women Exploring Trades, Transportation and Technology event. Many FFA events have been occurring. Students participated in the Southeast Conference Honors Music Festival; Lanesboro will host the event next year again.
The elementary teachers will be looking at math curriculums for their classes.
Cameras are up and working around the school, much to the enjoyment of the students.
The Fillmore County Social Services will be at the school this week, presenting information on suicide prevention.
The PBIS group is working to set up lights and a seasonal tree in the park. High school and elementary students are working together on the project.
Schultz thanked the organizers of the Small School Teaching Conference for all their work on the recent conference.
Parent Teacher Conferences are coming up soon; they are set for November 21 and 25.
Other Business
In other business the school board:
- Approved the grant application to Minnesota State High School League; this standard grant is applied for every year to support students with financial needs in paying their athletic fees;
- Accepted a donation of $250 from the Booster Club;
- Was reminded that the MSBA Leadership Conference will be held January 16 and 17; there is no cost to attend the event for the school board (except for motel rooms if needed);
- Heard an update on the progress of the HVED remodeling project; in December or January the final state code review will be completed. At that point actual work can begin on the project. HVED has figured out the leases with the current tenants of the building. They are dealing with getting snow removal for the building; not all the parking lot area will be cleared; rather only as much space as needed by the tenants.
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