Here in America we are fortunate to have a system that encourages free and fair elections; or that is what we aspire to. We go to great lengths to protect the integrity of our elections, and rightfully so. The people who serve in government should reflect the wishes of We The People.
America worries constantly about interference from foreign entities, as recently evidenced by the three year Mueller investigation that vindicated Mr. Trump and unwittingly revealed rampant corruption within Federal government agencies and the Clinton campaign. The investigation of that corruption is well under way and we must hope the guilty parties are punished. But are there equally serious threats from within to our Democratic Republic that must be exposed and dealt with? You bet.
Andrew Cilek of the Minnesota Voters Alliance recently wrote about election fraud in Minnesota in the winter issue of Thinking Minnesota. Readers are urged to read the whole article, here is a brief summary.
•The Minnesota Secretary of State and several county auditors have refused to provide information requested by Duane Quam of the Minnesota House Operations and Elections Committee regarding 15,000 citizens who registered and voted in 2018 using invalid Social Security numbers (among other other irregularities), effectively stonewalling legislative oversight.
•The Secretary of State has refused to comply with a District court order to turn over information requested by MVA regarding massive illegal voting by felons and multiple vote casting.
On a national scale, Congressional hearings have revealed an insidious threat to fair elections by ultra-leftist Silicone Valley billionaires on a scale that should shock and dismay us no matter our political affiliation. On July 19, 2019, Dr. Robert Epstein, a Senior Research Psychologist at the American Institute for Behavioral Research and Technology in California, testified in Congress about the ability of search engines and social media to exert unfair and biased influence on America’s elections. A staunch Democrat and Hillary Clinton supporter, Dr. Epstein has studied this issue closely for six years and has been relentless in his quest to call attention to this existential threat to our election process.
•Google has been particularly aggressive in voter influence, using answer bots, source suggestions, and other unfair methods biased toward Democratic candidates and issues that are exclusive tools: un-trackable and impossible to rebut.
•Careful and verifiable research by his team has pegged the number of votes influenced by Google, Facebook, and Twitter in the 2018 nationwide election process at a jaw dropping 78.2 MILLION. All of these votes were shown to be shifted toward Democratic candidates and include state and local elections.
•Big Tech can elect to send a “get out and vote” message to millions of users selectively, choosing, of course, to notify only Democrat voters, and no one will know they did so.
•Big Tech can engage in all of these activities without spending a dime of its own money and with no consequences, oversight, or any paper trail or tracking process in place.
•Left unchecked, Big Tech can and will exert undue influence on an estimated 15 million presidential votes in the 2020 election. Dr. Epstein stated that an overconfident Google did not act aggressively in 2016, but was very aggressive in the 2018 election and is sure to be even more so in 2020.
What can be done about these issues? Contact Governor Walz and other state officials and insist that the election process in our state be fair and transparent. Contact our Senators and Representatives and ask them to reign in the corruption perpetrated by the giant search engines and social media. Write letters to the editor calling attention to election fraud. Above all, stay informed by seeking information besides that regurgitated in the “Lame Stream Media.”
God Bless until next time, Jeff
Hawkeye63 says
@ Thomas and Herb, since neither of you have chosen to take issue with the actual premise of the commentary, you must agree that there is rampant voter fraud perpetrated by Democrats in Minnesota and by Big Tech Billionaire leftists nationwide. Are you okay with voter fraud and search engine/ social media bias…. as long as leftist candidates benefit from the corruption? Or do you think fairness and transparency are at risk and corrective action is needed?
Also, you two both need to give up on the Trump collusion obstruction thing. Do you not watch the so called news? All the fake news entities have moved on from the Mueller fiasco and are concentrating on convincing the public that President Trump and all his supporters are racists. You fellows need to keep up with the latest trends and jump on the ” racist” bandwagon. You’re getting left behind!
Herbert Panko says
Well, little Kimmie, nice try, but did you reread your post? You said absolutely nothing factual that disproves my post. Do you know the difference between laying out well-researched, factual details and just mindless babbling filled with grade-school spelling errors? I wonder why you continually insist on making yourself look silly.
Kim Wentworth says
Bernie, maybe we need a meet and greet, sat next door to the Journal office, over a couple of fine mugs of beer and perhaps a sandwich. We could attempt to solve the world’s problems. Oh, if we would, you will get a kick out of your “lil Kimmie” comment 😃 🍻
Herbert Panko says
Jeff, your devotion to this narcisstic, idiotic clown we have for a president has greatly diminished your ability to separate fiction from reality. Over 900 prosecuters have weighed in and they are in agreement that there are at least 10 Trump actions that are clearly obstruction of justice, a federal crime. The worst and most damning was Trump’s attempt to get his attorney Gates to cover up and lie about his attempt to get Mueller fired by asking Gates to do it. That is enough right there to have him impeached. Read the entire report so you can speak from knowledge and not sound like an uninformed idiot.
Kim wentworth says
To start with, your opinion that ” narcisstic” in all degrees is bad, is simply silly.. 900 prosecutors, lol, stop quoeting msld (msnbc). Your example of obstruction is silly at best. When mueller (the lost one) testified in Congress, he was hearing things for the first time. A little point I now bring up, a prosicutors job is to PROVE wrong doing. They don’t EVER voice an opinion of innocence. Herbie, you are sounding a lil Joe..
Jeffrey Erding says
Hi Herb, thank you for the thoughtful analysis. Always a step toward civil discourse when folks uae language like you do.
I do wish to bring something to your attention that is germain to the topic.
” UN-EDUCATED IDIOTS” are the ones who are consistantly wrong about things.
For 2 years you told us Mr. Trump colluded with Russians….. I said he did not. You supported the Democrat party, saying we should trust them and vote for them, I said the DNC and the Clintons cheated poor Bernie and tried to steal the election. Who was correct? Sorry pal, you had it way wrong.
You always think those who don’t agree with you are uneducated idiots, Here is a little advice: 1)Take a look at who has been consistantly right and who has not BEFORE deciding who is the idiot.
2) Getting all your information from left wing biased sources is a surefire way to become an “UNEDUCATED IDIOT.”
3) get ready for a rough few months. I predict many of your crooked left wing heroes are going to suffer legal misfortune, all their own fault. Sorry about that.
Kim Wentworth says
Herbie, just a point of fact. No country since the beginning of man has messed with, influenced, manipulated with other countries than U.S. can we all say castro??
Thomas E.H. says
@ Jeff/Hawkeye63
This isn’t from a left wing source: //The worst and most damning was Trump’s attempt to get his attorney Gates to cover up and lie about his attempt to get Mueller fired by asking Gates to do it. That is enough right there to have him impeached.//
That’s what happened lololol nothing left or right wing about that one.
So when you say //Getting all your information from left wing biased sources is a surefire way to become an “UNEDUCATED IDIOT.”// it really shows you lack the ability to understand U.S. law. Which is troublesome you know, because you claim to be for “LAW and ORDER” lololol
Also, read your own sources. Getting all your information from right wing biased sources is a surefire way blah blah blah.
@ Kim
//No country since the beginning of man has messed with, influenced, manipulated with other countries than U.S. //
Very true! The U.S. are professionals at election manipulation. Been going on for decades!
//To start with, your opinion that ” narcisstic” in all degrees is bad, is simply silly.//
It’s probably bad when it’s the president though! Because narcissists work for themselves BEFORE they work for others. That doesn’t mean they don’t work for others, so don’t twist my words!
Greg Rendahl says
Jeff, when you make the obviously false statement, “Mueller investigation that vindicated Mr. Trump,” then how do you expect anyone to take your writings seriously? Mueller said that Trump could be indicted when he leaves office for obstruction of justice, and several obstructions were overwhelmingly obvious. When ideology over rides facts, then you’re living in fantasyland.
Jeffrey Erding says
@ Greg, the Mueller investigation completely vindicated President Trump of collusion. 1]There is no legal precedent for obstruction when there is no underlying crime.
2] I challenge you to name one act of obstruction by President Trump that could be indictable, now or after he leaves office in 2024. Go.