The Eitzen City Council approved replacing residential and commercial water meters with remote reading meters at the council meeting on April 11.
Council members in attendance include Mayor Adamson and councilmembers Emily Burrichter, Doug Meyer, Mitch Lange, and Mitch Luttchens.
The council unanimously approved the minutes from the March 14 city council meeting and the March financial statements.
Jeff Dale and Brad Simms, of DSG, met with Mayor Jeffrey Adamson and Darryl Meyer, city maintenance regarding switching out the city’s water meters. They demonstrated the meters while explaining how they worked and all they will do and won’t do.
The mayor explained that there are no mechanical parts in the meters. The meters are ultrasonic and look like what is currently installed. City staff will be able to drive around with a tablet and read all the meters, which is estimated to take only 45 to 60 minutes once a month. Once installed, residents and businesses will not have to read the meters.
The new system will be able to detect leaks and generate reports illustrating when the leak occurred.
“The water meters are old, very old, lots of them are very very old and they are failing. We are getting some meters failures,” emphasized Steve Schuldt, city clerk. “The new ones with this new detection – nothing goes through the meter without being read.”
The cost to replace the meters is $54,018.00 which includes material and labor. The town expects DSG to switch out the meters in July or August. Residents and business owners will be contacted by DSG to schedule an appointment.
Unfinished business
The quote to extend the main street sidewalk came in higher than expected. The quote to do 500 linear feet is $25,000. Council members agreed that they should hold off deciding until they check with a couple more companies to see what they would charge. Burrichter stated, “It would be nice to have it done.”
The mayor updated the council on the community center. “Got some numbers coming back probably next week sometime on the material list on the addition portion of the community center,” explained the mayor. “It is still in the works.”
The irrigator is still running and will be moved before the corn is planted. A local Firestone dealer is looking into the wheels/tires. The hope is that the equipment works all year.
New business
The Local Board of Appeal and Equalization (LBAE) hearing is scheduled for Tuesday, April 25, at 6 p.m. The hearing will take place at city hall.
Should the city of Eitzen enact an ordinance regulating the sale of edible cannabis products and/or hemp derived THC food and beverages? The mayor expressed that at this time that the town is best off following the state like the county is doing. Schuldt explained the conversation came up because those at Gator’s Bar and Grill asked if the town had an ordinance regulating it. Schuldt said they are interested in selling some of the products.
Matthew Schwartzhoff explained that he plans to demolish the existing garage on his property to build a larger garage and will need a building permit. He will submit the necessary paperwork for the permit as he would like to start on the project as soon as possible. The city will email Schwartzhoff the required paperwork and get started on the process.
Council members expressed their frustration at the poor cell service in Eitzen. Member Lange wondered if a letter writing campaign would be helpful at drawing attention to the situation and getting assistance to rectify the situation.
The council approved the updated utility rate schedule. The energy rates will increase or decrease according to any wholesale rate changes from MiEnergy Cooperative.
Energy rates
• Residential service charge – $12.00 per month
• Three phase service charge: $30.00 per month
• Energy charge: $.1104 per KWH, $1.311 per KWH June, July and August
Dual fuel service
• Charge for additional meter: $2.00 per month
• Energy charge October-May $.04872 per KWH and June-September $.1067 per KWH
Water Rates
• Non-metered: $20.00 per month
• Metered: $14.25 per month first 1,000 gallons (flat charge) plus .00535 per gallon over 1000 gallons.
• Bulk water: $12.00 per 1000 gallons
Sewer rates
• Metered: $14.25 per month plus .00535 per gallon of water used after 1000 gallons.
• Non-metered: $20.00 per month
Other rates
• Trash/Recycling: $18.50 per month
The next regular meeting of the Eitzen City Council is Tuesday, April 11, at 6 p.m., at Eitzen City Hall (next to the fire station), 202 East Main Street, Eitzen. Contact Steve Schuldt, city clerk, at (507) 495-3017 or Office hours are Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 9 a.m. – 12 p.m.
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