Eitzen City Clerk Steve Schuldt confirmed that the Local Board of Appeal and Equalization (LBAE) hearing is Tuesday, April 25, at 6 p.m.
The Eitzen City Council met in regular session on Tuesday, March 14, from 6:03 to 6:26 p.m. at city hall.
Council members in attendance included Mayor Jeffrey Adamson and council members Emily Burrichter, Doug Meyer, Mitch Lange, and Mitch Luttchens.
The council unanimously approved the minutes from the February 14 city council meeting and the February financial statements. Schuldt asked councilmember Luttchens, “The loan we have for 2075 – it shows that it is maturing in 2024, I think it should be 2023.” Luttchens answered that it was originally 2024 but the city made an extra payment, which is why it is now going to be paid off in 2023.
Unfinished business
Once the snow is gone the company doing the concrete work on the Habitat for Humanity house will get a firm measurement on the sidewalks, the city has left, explained Adamson. “He will have a number for us and is all gung ho to do the work for us.” The council should have a firm bid at the April meeting and can make a decision at that time whether they want to proceed with the sidewalk project. The question that remains, who is responsible for cleaning the sidewalks in the winter? The mayor added that he gets asked it all the time. The council will need to decide whether the city should purchase specialized equipment designed to clean the sidewalks, require property owners to clean the sidewalks on their property, or hire someone with the right equipment to clean the sidewalks.
Adamson and Darryl Meyer, city maintenance, decided to hold off on purchasing the tires for the irrigator since the irrigation system will be relocated to different pivot points this year. He explained that Firestone will be taking over the tires and tracks and the local dealer should be carrying them.
“The community center is still in the works. Going more slow than it is anything. It is still there,” explained the mayor.
Adamson updated the council on the city’s audit. “Think we have a couple lined up to take care of the city records and do a review for us. Waiting to hear back from one other gal. Think we will have them come in before the end of the month and get that wrapped up. That will be taken care of.”
New business
The council unanimously adopted the retail rate rider power utility cost adjustment as recommended by MiEnergy. The rider gives the city options. The city received the official notice for the rate change for May 1. In April the council will review the rates currently being charged and make any adjustments. The only recommendation that the city received was to increase the service charge and bump a couple of other rates but according to MiEnergy, the city is “pretty good.”
The council unanimously approved Gator’s Bar and Grill’s tobacco license for 2023.
The council unanimously approved to “pay the bills.”
The next regular meeting of the Eitzen City Council is Tuesday, April 11, at 6 p.m., at Eitzen City Hall (next to the fire station), 202 East Main Street, Eitzen. Contact Steve Schuldt, City Clerk, at (507) 495-3017 or eitzen@acegroup.cc. Office hours are Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 9 a.m.-12 p.m.
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