The Eitzen City Council met in regular session on Tuesday, September 13, from 6:07-7 p.m. at the Eitzen City Hall.Council members in attendance Mayor Jeffrey Adamson, Emily Burrichter, Doug Meyer, Mitch Luttchens, and Mitch Lange.
Other attendees include City Clerk Steve Schuldt, City Maintenance Darryl Meyer, and Richie Meiners, Meiners Construction.
Meiner stated that he is willing to donate his time to replace the roofing on the concession stand at the ball field if a few other men will assist with the work, as it will only take a day to complete the project. The cost of material is $1,400. Meiner let the Council know that he cannot get to the project this fall but a nice day this winter or early in spring he will have time to work on the project. Meiner recommends purchasing the material now in case prices go up. The Council accepted Meiners’ proposal.
Mayor Adamson shared that the Community Center improvements are ongoing. Another meeting will be scheduled soon.
The city will get a quote regarding the Star Energy Services rate study.
The council approved the preliminary tax levy at 5% for 2023. Schuldt reminded the Council that the levy can be lowered, but it cannot go up after it is submitted to the county this month. The levy will be finalized in December. In 2020, the levy was $111,360, 2021 was $113,121, 2022 was $118,000 and, 2023 is about $124,000.
Habitat For Humanity, La Crosse Area Inc. 3181 Berlin Dr., La Crosse, Wis., submitted a building permit application for parcel ID #220033001. According to Beacon the lot dimensions are 92.00 x 90.00, and the property is located between the post office and Joseph Schoh’s property. The plan is to move in a home, build a basement, add a deck, and a garage added to the house. Based on the lot dimensions, there is no room for the house, deck, and garage plus a setback of 10’ on the north and south side of the lot. Schuldt summarized, “It simply doesn’t fit.”
Adamson noted that the non-profit did not contact the city to ask questions regarding assessment fees, utility hookup fees, and setback requirements before purchasing the property. The Habitat for Humanity building permit was unanimously denied based on lack of information. Council members would like to see the property staked out first.
Darryl Meyer asked for the council’s opinion. Pat Burke is considering purchasing property at the corner of Portland Ave. and Pine to build a multi-family structure. Burke would like the Council’s opinion on whether it is feasible or not before moving forward with the purchase. Zoning allows for up to three units. Any more than that would require a Conditional Use Permit (CUP). Mayor Adamson thought it was “very doable.”
Darryl Meyer reported that the seal coating is working and that the gravel will be left on until the first snow.
In other matters, the Council:
• Approved the minutes from the August 11, 2022, council meeting, August’s financial documents, and the August bills;
• Approved the agreement with Caledonia Ambulance. The 2023 subsidy is $16 per person, which is a $2 increase per person over last year.
The next regular meeting of the Eitzen City Council is Tuesday, October 11, at 6 p.m., at Eitzen City Hall (next to the fire station), 202 East Main Street, Eitzen. Contact Steve Schuldt, City Clerk, at (507) 495-3017 or Office hours are Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m.
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