Eitzen City Council members in attendance at March meeting include Mayor Jeffrey Adamson, Emily Burrichter, Mitch Lange, Doug Meyer, and Mitch Luttchens. Other in attendance were City Clerk Steve Schuldt, local business owner Larry Nieling, and Charlene Selbee, Fillmore County Journal.
Mayor Adamson called the March 9, 2021, regular meeting of the Eitzen City Council to order at 7:04 p.m.
Minutes of the last regular City Council meeting, February 9, 2021, were unanimously approved.
After an in-depth review of the city’s financials reports (cash control statement, current investments, indebtedness activity, receipts register, disbursements register, arrears report), Schuldt had answered the council’s questions regarding the negative numbers on the cash control statement, which are being looked into to see which codes where incorrectly entered into the accounting platform and the maturity date of the CD. The council unanimously approved the reports.
Unfinished business
1. Wiebke needs to submit an application for the solar system. Once it is submitted, Wiebke will get started on the project. The current roof will be replaced with a steel roof and then the solar system will be installed.
2. There is nothing new to report regarding the pole inspection. According to the mayor, the city has not gotten anyone to come down and give them a quote. Staff will keep trying to obtain a quote.
3. The town received new bids for the ballpark lights. The bids are $1,200 more than the previous bids. Materials have been ordered and will be delivered by the middle of April. Lions paying for plugs-ins and pull track. City will be reimbursed for the plug-ins and pull track lights by the Lions Club. The total cost for the project is $9,340. The council approved the bid unanimously.
4. Adamson asked fellow councilmembers if they had a chance to talk with constituents about the filling in the sidewalk on main street. There being no feedback the mayor will get a couple estimates, so they have concrete numbers to work with. The mayor thinks completing the sidewalk would “be nice.” He wondered if there would be any grants that could be used for the sidewalk project.
Mayor Adamson explained, “There is no new business because everything is going smoothly in town.”
Councilmember Luttchens confirmed with the city council that concessionaires for the Eitzen Family Fun Fest hosted will need to provide proof of insurance but will not need to list the city as additional insured. Luttchens confirmed that there will be a tractor pull, demolition derby, and parade along with well-known concessionaires serving traditional tasty fest foods. The mayor stated, “The event is happening, and it is full steam ahead.”
It is not a robin, but Eitzen’s street sweeper, the first sign of spring, will be out and running on Wednesday for the first time this year.
After reviewing the February claims payable, the council unanimously approved paying the February bills.
Mayor Adamson called to adjourn the meeting at 7:30 p.m. The motion was unanimously approved.
The next regular meeting of the Eitzen City Council is Tuesday, April 13, at 7 p.m, Eitzen City Hall (next to the fire station), 202 East Main Street, Eitzen. Contact Steve Schuldt, City Clerk at (507) 495-3017 or eitzen@acegroup.cc. Office hours, Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m.
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